Technical hi I'm new and have a starting problem

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Technical hi I'm new and have a starting problem

If you do need a starter, I see Combellacks are currently breaking Three Sicentos (899) I think they'll be the same, but do check that feed wire to the starter first :)
ok so firstly thanks for all the advice on the spare parts etc....I;ve been out and learnt how to use a multi meter and I'm getting a reading of 11.1 volts from the thin wire on the starter it was still connected to the starter tho dunno if that makes any whatta ya think? any other checks i need do?
yeah kinda thought you'd say that... the haynes bible says to remove exhaust sounds like a right pain in the arse....but heyho I'm working a 12hr shift tomorrow so it'll have to be tuesday if this rain ever stops..