Technical hesitant starting.

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Technical hesitant starting.


Dec 2, 2006

'93, 899cc cinq.

It's always started well, but for a few days it's been a bit hesitant when cold. It takes a second or more to fire on all four cylinders.

Also, I've had a few random oxy sensor lamp warnings.

I've cleaned the plugs and leads, but it's not cured the lumpy start.

Could it be early days of a coil pack failing?

Cheers in advance.
The oxy sensor lamp has been coming on sporadically, for a few of seconds, and it'll momentarily run a bit rough.

Otherwise, it's a good lively engine, though it goes through oil.

I thought of having a compression test, to see if it's worth a top end rebuild.

Concur with fingers compression test suggestioncould be coolant seeping into cylinder...

Are all the plugs identical, when you remove them and inspect the insulators?

blimey, loads of sensors. might need a diagnostic.

the plugs weren't even.

1 to 3 were almost white, and no 4 was beige.

one and two had corroded ht lead contacts, which i've cleaned.

the plugs are less than 6 months old.

cheers guys.
ah. book says fuel injection light, but i'd always assumed it was the lambda.

problems are slight at the mo. only starts lumpy for a few seconds, but i'd rather know if something's on the way out.

there's no mayo in the oil filler cap, and the coolant looks clean.

i put a new rad in a few weeks ago, and for the first time in 7 years it's holding it's coolant.

a few weeks ago, during a cold snap, i suspected the thermostat had failed, so fitted a new one. i wondered at the time if some damage had been done as there was loads of white gunk in the filler. however, it hasn't come back.

good to know i can't just suspect the ignition. if i can find the cash i'll get the compression tested, and maybe have an engine diagnostic, if it'll identify faulty sensors.

thanks again.
This is happening to my 95' cinq 899 too! Atm its stopped but I aslo would like to no why it's done/doing it

I blew some crap out of the map sensor tube, and the car starts, and runs sweet.
The one sensor it isn't, is the 02 sensor, its out of circuit during start up/warm up.

On the 899, empty tappets can cause a miss-fire until they fill up with oil again.

If you can replicate the fault when its dark, open the bonnet and watch for flashes around the leads. Dampness can cause the spark to short to the head rather than down the plug.

