Tuning Help Please 1.6 16v stilo

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Tuning Help Please 1.6 16v stilo


New member
Sep 28, 2009
hiya just thinking about buying a 1.6 16v stilo ive found loads of styling parts but not found many performance parts, i wud love if people could give me me help on this and if they have any website that i can find stuff on.

thanxs for any help
Well, it isn't a performance car, so it is impossible to transform it to one. Except using a huge amount of money ofcourse, but then I'd buy a performance car, like a Porche 911 instead.
well im 17 and ive found quite good insurance for it becasue im out alot weekends so its got enough space for me for all my stuff, i just wanted to know if i could give it abit of an extra kick maybe induction kit and exhaust ive found suspension, brakes and styling.
I have no knowledge of exhausts, but my GSR induction kit improves torque at speed. No better acceleration from 0 ofcourse as air stands still then... It will work best with the corresponding remap.
I think at 17 you should just be pleased you've got a 1.6 Stilo. Am I right in thinking you don't pay the insurance yourself? Because modifying a car so new and at your age, regardless of where you live will bump up your policy by quite a lot.

Better to just do the basics, keep the brakes in tip top condition, decent tyres and you'll learn more about driving than if your car is bumpsteering and tramlining all over the road on massive wheels. Or signalling its arrival with a massive exhaust. :)
I think at 17 you should just be pleased you've got a 1.6 Stilo. Am I right in thinking you don't pay the insurance yourself? Because modifying a car so new and at your age, regardless of where you live will bump up your policy by quite a lot.

Better to just do the basics, keep the brakes in tip top condition, decent tyres and you'll learn more about driving than if your car is bumpsteering and tramlining all over the road on massive wheels. Or signalling its arrival with a massive exhaust. :)
:yeahthat: ....otherwise I see a sticky end one way or the other :(
i need a decent sized car becasue i go away most weekends with alot of kit and with changing performance and other modification i am a lvl 1 city and guilds machanic so i have a reasonable knowledge of stuff when sorting stuff out but i just cant find the parts and yes i am buying for the car and the insurance myself unfortunatly :( but thank you for the advise your offering
sorry but if you want performance buy a 150 jtd.. 1.6 will never be fast (even if you do get the extra 10% out of it)