Technical Help im burning oil

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Technical Help im burning oil


New member
Dec 31, 2013
Hi i have a mk2 elx punto and recently its started burning a lot of oil.

I had it in the garage for the alternator and coil packs to be done and it started after this.

I have looked around the forum and seen a few threads on oil breather pipes. I have checked this and found it wasnt connected to the air filter. i guess the mechanic didnt connect it when he put the air box back on.

i reconnected it and started the car and now i have smoke coming from the exhaust.

could this one little pipe be causing this or do i have more serious problems to be dealing with

thanks in advance and as you may guess my knowledge of cars is very limited
its burnt through 2 litres in about 200 miles.

the smoke is a grey colour. but its only at start up and high revs i get this

wouldnt know when the filter was last changed as ive only owned it 2 months

i dont see any obvious leaks or pools of oil under the car.

also the car vibrates a bit when i pick up speed dont know if its connected

dont know if its relevant but it had an MOT in October and passed so im hoping its nothing major
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thanks for the speedy replies

ive looked and theres no gunk on filler cap or dipstick.

it was running better until i reconnected it. i didnt notice any smoke until i reconnected it
Leave pipe off, you will smell oil vapours in car tho,

ihad this with 8v Siecento recently, it was headgasket,
iwouid have test done to confirm,

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sounds like you have piston blow by
a compression test would be a good start
surprised your mechanic kept stchum unless he wanted the wonga for the jobs hed done and was afraid to advise you need an engine in case he got no wongas
thanks for the advice. i guess i could be looking for a new engine.
This was my smokey blue punto
It'd consume 1L of oil in 400miles
It was often less if i drove more softly, the longer journies and harder i drove the more it drunk

I carried out a compression test
found the following results (All in PSI)

1 = 100
2= 200

1= 200

So with a slither of oil, my cyl1 was able to generate a good compression, which points to only 1 thing, a blown piston ring or worn cylinder

on startup - like in video, lots and lots blue smoke
No power - it was like it was been strangled
Often would misfire - yet ignition was fine, but poor compression
and always super smokey whenever i floored it :(

im affraid, i forked out for a new engine, my god its a task and an half!
My advice - drop both engine and gearbox as 1 to the floor if you do it yourself
iwouid have the engine checked,
iwouidnt condem the engine just yet,

white grey smoke isnt piston rings,

needs testing to confirm
you carnt see inside engine. unless your superman, have it tested to confirm,

ive seen and fixed 8v lumps that have had grey/white smoke and its been headgasket of which fail in more than one way.. people think they just fail on the water side, loss of coolant rough running/missing but they go the otherway too,
what i was kinda wanting to drive home is that you should atleast do a wet and dry compression test


Just bung a bottle of "STOP SMOKE" in it and see what happens, cant be that bad if passed MOT 2 months ago.
ok this is where everybody jumps on me telling me its Cr@p and dosent work etc but has worked for me in the past. might be worth a try before you go replacing the engine :devil:
yes it cant cure knackered engines but seems to work for some.

15/40 might be better if engine a bit worn
not hypoid 90 it might just get a big end knocker through the block if you slip the driver some money but boy does the stuff stink if you rev it
hi just thought id update. Mechanic says its head gasket that gone.

He suggested putting a stop leak treatment in the engine to see if it cures the problem before i bite the bullet and get the head gasket replaced.

anyone have experience of using this or is he talking through his ****