Technical [Help] Fiat Stilo 1.6 16v

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Technical [Help] Fiat Stilo 1.6 16v


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Feb 2, 2023
I bought a FIAT Stilo 1.6 16 V at a Stand 4 months ago and I still don't have the car.

What was done: The Stand ordered a 2-hand control unit (apparently the problem is not there, it always checks "ok" and the only light that comes on is the airbag)
-We changed the Sitio control unit (we put it next to the battery) The electrician who took care of it, said that on his part everything was done
The mechanic says:
-Changed the candles
-Changed any oxygen sensor

What happens :
- The rotations are not correct (especially after driving a few kilometers)
- The revs move so much that the car almost goes down (car stopped)
- Strong gasoline smell
- very high consumption
- When I go to change gears and put my foot on the clutch the revs go up a thousand revolutions (it literally feels like I'm pressing the accelerator instead of the clutch)

GIF of what happens:


What you see in the GIF is with the car completely stopped without touching anything.

The strangest thing about all of this is that out of nowhere the car is stable and consumption returns to normal with no gasoline smell at all.

Thank you in advance guys.
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I would check the ECU error codes. You'll need an ECU code reader to plug in and access any stored errors. The error number(s) will give you an indication of what's causing the problem.

It sounds as though the throttle position sensor is playing up, or there is some problem with the Mass Airflow meter or even the lambda sensor.. but whatever it is, it will very likely have produced an error code and stored it in the ECU.

Ralf S.
Plug into diagostics device, obd2 any cheap elm327 will do. Then tell the code here and someone will be able to tell you more about it. Or Google it.
Conecte ao dispositivo de diagnóstico, obd2 qualquer elm327 barato serve. Então diga o código aqui e alguém poderá lhe dizer mais sobre isso. Ou pesquise no Google.
Olá, bom dia, já passei no scanner e apresenta o erro P0335. Isso identifica como o sensor de rotação do virabrequim, já troquei, e testei até a ECU, 12v, 5v e negativo. Acho que o motor pode estar avariado, vou pedir para verificarem e volto com a minha opinião. obrigado!!

Hello, good morning, I have already passed the scanner and it shows the error P0335. That identifies as the crankshaft rotation sensor, I already replaced it, and I tested them up to the ECU, 12v, 5v and negative. I think the engine may be out of order, I'll ask them to check it, and I'll come back with my opinion. thanks!!


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Have you tried to use Google? The engine's timing's now probably incorrect due to failing timing belt and tensioner, seeing how it does not run idle smoothly. Maybe belt has lost a tooth? Or the phonic wheel is somehow broken or crankshaft pulley is not aligned correctly. (If it is a Fiat engine)

So nothing wrong with the sensor, it's just getting signals that are not correct. Of course Stilo has a history of having faulty ECU/PCMs. You should get a mechanic to check the timing, tension and the condition of the timing belt. Has it been changed recently?

Google says that it may be one of the things on this list:
  • Open or short in the wiring harness
  • Poor electrical connections
  • Crankshaft position sensor failure
  • Damaged signal plate
  • Broken timing belt or chain
  • PCM faulty
Você já tentou usar o Google? O sincronismo do motor agora provavelmente está incorreto devido à falha da correia dentada e do tensor, visto que ele não funciona em marcha lenta suavemente. Talvez o cinto tenha perdido um dente? Ou a roda fônica está quebrada de alguma forma ou a polia do virabrequim não está alinhada corretamente. (Se for um motor Fiat)

Portanto, não há nada de errado com o sensor, ele apenas recebe sinais incorretos. É claro que Stilo tem um histórico de ECU/PCMs defeituosos. Você deve chamar um mecânico para verificar o sincronismo, a tensão e o estado da correia dentada. Foi alterado recentemente?

O Google diz que pode ser uma das coisas nesta lista:
  • Abertura ou curto no chicote elétrico
  • Conexões elétricas ruins
  • Falha no sensor de posição do virabrequim
  • placa de sinalização danificada
  • Correia ou correia dentada quebrada
  • PCM com defeito
I resoldered all the ECU pins, again and removed another fault he had. But this continuous sensor and other engine overtemperature fault as well.

I left it at the mechanic again yesterday, and I asked them to check the alignment of the engine position, and check if there is any damage to that set of teeth, belt, tensioner... next Thursday I'll get an opinion from them.
I resoldered all the ECU pins, again and removed another fault he had. But this continuous sensor and other engine overtemperature fault as well.

I left it at the mechanic again yesterday, and I asked them to check the alignment of the engine position, and check if there is any damage to that set of teeth, belt, tensioner... next Thursday I'll get an opinion from them.
I checked the ECU wires again, and the wire that carries the temperature sensor information had a problem. sorted out. The crankshaft speed sensor was replaced a second time and it worked controlling the rotation oscillation. I drove the car for two days, and yesterday it stopped out of nowhere, with a new malfunction in the dashboard. Now it's saying, "ASR malfunction, car security system failure, connection loose." The urge to set fire to it is great, I've already spent €290 on shitty mechanics and that can't be fixed. Saturday tomorrow I will open the battery fuse box again, and again the ECU and check everything again.


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Did you just change the location of the ECU or did you replace the ECU? If the ECU is already damaged, changing the location does not help. Ask someone to lend you their ECU and see how the car behaves or repair your own. There are many texts about this problem on the net.
Did you just change the location of the ECU or did you replace the ECU? If the ECU is already damaged, changing the location does not help. Ask someone to lend you their ECU and see how the car behaves or repair your own. There are many texts about this problem on the net.
I just resoldered it, it's still in the same place. I'm going to change it's location and resolder again. Here I have no idea where I can find a new ECU, I am an immigrant in Portugal, I arrived not long ago.
The problem is probably on the ECU board, not just the poorly soldered pins that the ECU connectors go to. The ECU must be opened and repaired if so. Some electronics repair shop could open it up and see if there are micro cracks in the printed connections.
D4 connector, fusebox, Crankshaft position sensor, grounds. Also check what errors they ECU might throw. If the ECU is at fault I suspect a failing 5V driver, not a PCB fault.
Oh no! Stop changing sensors. It is not going to fix anything.

I was just going to mention the same as above, D4 connector and enginebay fusebox.

Stilos have a notorious history of ECU failures due to electronics overheating, but you should start at the cheapest, wiring, connectors, fusebox, ground wires, etc. Relocating the ecu will not fix anything if it is already broken.

Some cars aren't worth saving. This might be one of those. You can ask how many years it can be kept on the road even if you got it moving? How many miles has it done? Some people are happy with their Stilo and have very few issues. I'm not familiar how reliable 1.6 engine itself is. Is it Opel engine? :rolleyes:
This is a typical manifestation of a bad engine ecu: car security problem, abs, asr, esp problem. But it can also do the D4 connector or relay, but my opinion is 99% the engine ecu
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This car has already taken my sleep away. I replaced his ECU with a used one, since it is no longer new, however, this one was still sealed, as I had to open it and send it to a factory reset to be able to turn it on in this car. With the ECU reset, it turned on, ran a few days later and appeared on the panel again, "Engine failure", blinked three times, the car did not fail, and did not turn off, and disappeared, as I am walking with the Scanner connected, I already looked at what was the error, it gave a failure error Coil n°2 and something similar to a Lambda probe sensor, which may have been caused by problem number one, the ignition coil, cables, or even the spark plug, today I replaced them, and I reset the os Scanner errors, I also took advantage of it and removed it the day I replaced the ECU, and moved it from above the engine. Now I will observe, if it will continue to present any more errors. I'm going to check this connector D4, but the fuses I had already checked all. And about the oscillation error at idle, it still unfortunately continues, but to a lesser extent. Regarding the value of the car, I bought it for €900, I spent €140 on the suspension, €164 on electrical repair on the temperature fault, temperature sensor, changing the crankshaft sensor and changing the battery, €170 on the control unit and the reset hers and now €20 more in candles. Total €494, but these cars here are in the range of €1600 to €1900, and there's always something to fix.


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PS: The wire that is loose in the photo of the ECU is in place, and the cover that covers the battery and fuses as well.
Get yourself a known good throttle body. The ECUs that fail a certain way (i.e., burning the 5V throttle driver) fail because of faulty/sticky throttle bodies. With that being said, coil and lambda faults together point me to a clogged/faulty injector so it would make sense to start from there.
You have to put another throttle and try. Also replace relay T9.
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Have you had the engine compression checked? Usually a car that can't idle steadily has an internal engine fault.

Prepare to have a fat wallet, because this car is going to need more tender loving care.