General Help - cinq not starting

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General Help - cinq not starting


New member
Jan 26, 2006
Mid Wales
The last few days my 98 sporting has been noisy on start up, for a few seconds, as if the oil pump isn't working properly.
Yesterday it wouldn't start at all,the starter motor seems to be turning too fast as if it isn't turning the engine.
Are these things related? Has this happened to anyone else?
Any help would be appreciated.
custard boy said:
oh dear,if you knew oil pressure was low why did you keep driving?
starter may not be engaging with the ring gear hence it running faster or it could be worse.i assume you have been checking theoil level?

Oil pressure seemed fine, light went out straight away and there's plenty of oil in it.You know how some cars rumble when you first start them.
If it is the gear ring what does that entail?
Thanks for your help.
I think you have stuck valves. There is no compression which is why the car is turning over fast. Pop the cambelt cover off and make sure the belt is there and that it is turning the cam as a first point of call.


rallycinq said:
I think you have stuck valves. There is no compression which is why the car is turning over fast. Pop the cambelt cover off and make sure the belt is there and that it is turning the cam as a first point of call.



Had another look at the Cinq.
When I turn the key the alternator and belt is turning but the cambelt isn't.
The cambelt is tight on the pulleys but not turning.
What do you think?
cam seized?


i'll expand on this. the head has an oil feed to the head, cam has an oil spray bar. if the feed blocks, the cam doesnt have any oil on the lobes or the bearings.

without oil on the bearings, you've got metal on metal contact. It'll grind the bearings away.

If that is what has happened you'll need a new cam, and head (99% sure you can't swap the bearings over)

or it might've just stripped the teeth off the cam belt. that'd be cheaper to fix :)
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arc said:
without oil on the bearings, you've got metal on metal contact. It'll grind the bearings away.

If that is what has happened you'll need a new cam, and head (99% sure you can't swap the bearings over)

Yep, bearing life span is about 20mins according to a mechanic mate of mine (but that was plain journal bearings - so the cam bearings are probably slightly different)

yeah, the bearings are integral with the head. There is an oustide chance if you could find a skilled machinist and a tribologist (person that knows about lubrication and bearing design) that the head could be converted to a journal bearing design easily Id guess. But that'd cost a fortune, and Id only ever consider it on a one off very high spec never-to-be-repeated type engine
You'll need to take the bottom cover off and discover whether the bottom pulley is turning, and its stripped the belt, or whether the crank is turning without the pulley turning. It could be that the bolt has come loose allowing the pulley to slide off the key, or the key may have slipped.

I doubt the cam has seized as I would expect the engine not to turn over at all rather than turn over too fast.


Do you know how to remove the bottom cambelt cover?.

I've removed wheel, liner, Rad.bottle and top cover but I can't see how to remove the bottom cover.There seems to be a bolt in the centre of it - is this one to undo.
