When driving in unlit areas i found main beam on my 1992 car to be very little difference to low beam.
What can be done to make a better high beam ? I don't want any expensive HID illegal upgrades .
I have read the handbook which states that only to replace with same bulbs ,the 45watt ,but is it okay to fit 55/60 watt bulbs ?
Does the fuse blow , will the wiring melt or catch fire .is this a complete no no ?
Or shall i just buy some so called uprated bulbs ,Osram for instance ?
Any advice much appreciated , I might not be able to reply to this for a while as my internet has failed and this comes to you from the local public library computer which I can only access in office hours .
thanks for any replies

What can be done to make a better high beam ? I don't want any expensive HID illegal upgrades .
I have read the handbook which states that only to replace with same bulbs ,the 45watt ,but is it okay to fit 55/60 watt bulbs ?
Does the fuse blow , will the wiring melt or catch fire .is this a complete no no ?
Or shall i just buy some so called uprated bulbs ,Osram for instance ?
Any advice much appreciated , I might not be able to reply to this for a while as my internet has failed and this comes to you from the local public library computer which I can only access in office hours .
thanks for any replies