Hard drive swap?

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Hard drive swap?


Staff member
May 30, 2006

Right I have a hard drive from a laptop that was running windows XP. I want to put it in my desktop (and remove the old HDD) I have connected it up, and set the jumper to device0. The computer boots up but stops at the bit where it says there is a problem with startup and gives you the option of safe mode etc... but goes no further (have tried safe mode...still no joy, just freezes) I'm guessing its something to do with the HDD and XP being set up for the different devices on the laptop. Is there any way that I can configure it to run on my desktop?

Any help will be appreciated, as I am now stuck lol

Yes and no..... i want to basically swap it with my old HDD and run the windows XP that is installed on it already.... if that makes sense lol
yea that's what im finding... is there any way to change it? Ie so that it recognises my desktop?

i've managed to get the files off it by running it as a slave disk.... but want to use the operating sytem
Right, thought it prob wasnt possible. Final question... I have a copy of Xp pro... I have it installed on another PC... can i use it to install on this drive, or is that a)illegal b) going to stop my other PC working when XP registers?

I have it installed on another PC... can i use it to install on this drive, or is that a)illegal b) going to stop my other PC working when XP registers?
depends which version of XP, but most legally allow 3 installs, after that it says your license has expired during activation. then you can call microsoft and shout at them so you get another install, after that they wont play ball anymore.
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Right, thought it prob wasnt possible. Final question... I have a copy of Xp pro... I have it installed on another PC... can i use it to install on this drive, or is that a)illegal b) going to stop my other PC working when XP registers?


It is illegal. One XP license per physical PC. BUT it won't stop your Other pc from working *wink*;)*wink*
You might find that you can do the following

  1. boot from your XP CD
  2. at the blue screen press ENTER on the first screen
  3. if you're lucky you'll see REPAIR on the 2nd scren (not the one about recovery console)
  4. Run the repair and you should be able to boot to XP
  5. reinstall drivers for the desktop

I've sucessfully used this method many times when ghosting PCs from one make and model to another.