Technical gearbox help

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Technical gearbox help


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Hi i have a leaking gearbox on a fiat punto 8valve year 2000 after searching every where found a replacement will cost a small fortune some people want as much as £175 plus my gearbox i found a garage that can recon my gearbox for £170 but it will take a week to do it so what i am after if anyone has it i need a exploded view of a gearbox so if any one has one i would rely apretiate a copy as i do most of my own repairs but never done a gearbox before so i will give it a try :) allso does anyone know if the input shaft bearing is pressed in or not many thanks....
most common leak is drive shaft seals, they are about 2 quid each and an easy fix, you dont even have to remove box
it`s definatly a leak from inside the housing i have had the box of and gear oil was all over the clutch i was told it was leaking from the input shaft bearing but i need a diagram before i split the box and try and fix it while it is in bits i will replace all the seals as well but i need this diagram of the box if any one has one i could do with a copy many thanks Tom...