Technical Fuel Line problems

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Technical Fuel Line problems


New member
Mar 16, 2010
I have a mark 1 Punto, N registration.
I know little about cars, but here's the story.
I let it run down a little low on fuel, got to the petrol station, and put half a tank in. As I was driving away, the car was trembling and shaking, and when I pressed the accelerator pedal, the rev counter needle dropped off the scale.
I managed to coast to somewhere safe where I ditched it.

I got my cousin to look at it, and he seems to think there is a problem with the fuel line, as none was entering the engine.

What I'm after if possible is what's caused this, or a photograph of where various fuel components are (such as fuel pump/filter etc) as I don't have a clue what I'm looking for. (I have already tried using google, but had no luck). I don't have the car owners manual, nor do I have a Haynes manual =[

Any assistance would be appreciated.
nothing to do with the fuel lines (although good to check and make sure the fuel filter doesn't have any leaks about it). It usually happens with the fuel cut off switch. I have no idea where its kept on mk1 puntos so maybe another member can give you some form of positioning.
Going from memory, I think the fuel cutoff switch is by the passenger side door,on the carpet? Seems a pretty silly place to put it, if you were to put somthing with some weight down the side of the door you might get your fuel cut off!...maybe!
Thats where its located, but I wouldn't have thought it as that, as I haven't pressed it. Is there a reset button for this fuel cut off switch just incase?
They just go faulty, can't do nothing about it, my punto done the same, didnt know where it was located and i didnt press it, it just happens. Just bridge it out with a wire or something, then bobs your uncle.