General Fuel consumption

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General Fuel consumption


New member
Apr 30, 2009
Rotherham,south yorkshire

My 1.1 punto 55 sx seems to be using more petrol than usual, i used to be able to put £10 a week and that would do but its not lasting a week anymore, im doing the exact same mileage per week.

Any ideas what it could be? or am i being para lol.

It only started doing after i had my exhaust replaced.
lambda sensor. They seem to pack up with exhausts. I thought mine had but it looks like a HT lead has gone.

Go to the scrap yard with a lambda sensor and ask for one with a 4 pin. try that other wise check your leads, plugs, tyre pressures and stuff which needs servicing etc . . .
fuel prices?? seems silly to say but fuel has gone up a fair bit so u gna get less to the gallon now! does using heaters and demister hav an effect on fuel??
cheers for the replys, i only do 70 miles a week if that at the moment! surely it shud cost less than a tenner in a 1.1?it used to do easily. and yeh iv had my heaters on quite alot recently.

again cheers for the replys.
the journey im doin at the moment is 10 miles there and ten miles back, and i do tht 3 times a week so about 60 miles. might just be me being paranoid cos so much has gone wrong with my punto its unreal! il stick £10 in tomorrow and see how many miles it does.
I have noticed my MPG drop, but I have had heater on full (chuffin' cold lol) and a lot more stop/start in town (anybody would think it's nearly Christmas judging by the traffic :rolleyes:).

Actually, my mood affects my driving style quite drastically lol :devil:
my punto 55 doesnt do that many miles tbh either! ill get bout 70 miles out of a tenner,even if i dont have the heating on! im not sure what it is yet but i hav been given a few things to look for,so once my car works agen i mite get on it lol
well 70 miles / 40? mpg = 1.75 gallon * 4.55 g to l = 7.9625 l

around here max £1.10 per litre = £8.75875

Also worse driving condition = slow driving lots of stops at traffic lights etc = lower mpg

Why was the exhast replaced - if it had a hole in etc it could give better mpg

And yes using more electric uses more few as the alternator uses more resistance on the engine to produce more electric.
learning alot thanks to you lot :)

exhaust was replaced cos the rear bit fell of lol, so when we got it up on ramps saw how rusty it was decided to replace it all.

think im just being paranoid, so much has gone wrong with the car its unreal!
its my 1st car, but im learning alot as ive replaced alot of the stuff on the car with a friend whos a mechanic.

cheers for the replies
i know this is an old post, but i have done a proper test on mi car.

i stuck £10 in and i only got 50 miles out of it, so that was 2 trips out in it, i only used my heater once just to get ice of the screen.

does my car need looking at? i used to get another 20 to 30 miles out of it.

i dont drive like a mad man, just stick to limits etc.
check how many litres are going in not value. Put 10 litres in for a few times and see what you get to that as with petrol going up and up you are putting less and less in.
£10 would be around 2 gallon which makes 25mpg pretty poor. If your cars got a trip computer what is the average speed to get 25mpg? as mpg dont really show anything without the average speed.
would fuel injector cleaner help?

i travel twice a week, through 30 and a 50 mph roads, and its alwas plain sailing there and back. not much stopping and starting etc.