I'm just guest on your forum, however with Panda but that what's happened on "Panda on ebay..." thread is unbelievable for me...https://www.fiatforum.com/rules.html
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Oh just to add, if you're worried about not being able to find old auctions, don't be - if you click the ebay logo in the right bar it takes you to them all nicely listed, or alternatively use this link ... https://www.fiatforum.com/auction-watch/?prefixid=Panda_Classic
Hey MEP,Now that link makes it a whole lot easier
On a slightly OT note though ben, but how was our Panda pic thread in the wrong format
The moderators of this section are supposed to move all Panda picture threads to the Members Motors section [well, in fact, they shouldn't need to move them at all - the member is supposed to post pics of their cars in that section, not the car sections].On a slightly OT note though ben, but how was our Panda pic thread in the wrong format
Hi Jangcy,
Yes that bit could have been handled a bit better, so I'm sorry about that.
Hopefully though going forward we can work out any issues people have with the new arrangement and make it amicable for all
The moderators of this section are supposed to move all Panda picture threads to the Members Motors section [well, in fact, they shouldn't need to move them at all - the member is supposed to post pics of their cars in that section, not the car sections].
Then the Panda forum should have a locked sticky, which links ONE picture from that thread back to here, with a link back to the actual MM thread, so that the car can be discussed by everyone].
This is what happens across the forum.
The Classic Panda photo thread was just that.. Classic Pandas. No disrespect to other Fiat owners, but I'm not really interested in looking at pictures of someone's rusty old Punto. There doesn't seem to be any kind of link between the MM and the model gallery.. or maybe it's just me.
it should be possible to prefix the threads in MM, and then have a filter to display just them. easy enough to implement. ben?
the sticky as said will list the pandas with one picture including a link to the full thread in members motors. You dont need a filter in MM as the link on the photo thread will take you straight to the thread.
A good example is the 500 section which has been doing this very sucessfully for over a year
should be no need, if its done like the above all you do is look in the one thread, see a car you like, click it or the link under it and it will take you to that cars thread
no it wasnt it was a few photos and the rest just spam. have a look at these to see how they are supposed to be
Now I completely lost...
Thank you