Tuning focus induction v gsr induction the result

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Tuning focus induction v gsr induction the result

This has been said before and i think it needs saying again

1. If you cant afford anything drill holes in the airbox to get better sound
2. If you just want noise then get cheap pipercross/K&N but loose power
3. Get focus for slight increase and better sound
4. If you can afford it get the GSR.

This is my and other peoples opinion.
I have the pipercross becuase I like the look of it, has the connection for the breather and I got it off ebay cheap. I wish i had the money for a GSR though.
No proof focus adds any power;)
Well just so we all know where we stand, I took those comments personally. They're insulting and they were directed at me -- fits the standard definition of a personal attack, so I can't see where you're coming from saying otherwise.

I fail to see what my replacing gearbox bearings has to do with my opinions on tuning. Since you asked, the only tuning I have done has been replacing tappet shims, I have done no other tuning nor do I intend to.

Regards 'number crunching' my 'not knowing what to do' with the results, and people making insinuations of my 'max power theories', the comments I have made are an owners view on price and performance, and the overall benefits of having induction over a stock vehicle of 60bhp. Though I suspect some commercial bias here. Many people want to see the results, it's the whole point of the thread, and if you want to direct 'number crunching' statements I suggest you do so towards Dave since they're his graphs, so I don't know why all the negative attention is directed at me.
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Well just so we all know where we stand, I took those comments personally. They're insulting and they were directed at me -- fits the standard definition of a personal attack, so I can't see where you're coming from saying otherwise.

I fail to see what my replacing gearbox bearings has to do with my opinions on tuning. Since you asked, the only tuning I have done has been replacing tappet shims, I have done no other tuning nor do I intend to.

Regards 'number crunching' my 'not knowing what to do' with the results, and people making insinuations of my 'max power theories', the comments I have made are an owners view on price and performance, and the overall benefits of having induction over a stock vehicle of 60bhp. Though I suspect some commercial bias here. Many people want to see the results, it's the whole point of the thread, and if you want to direct 'number crunching' statements I suggest you do so towards Dave since they're his graphs, so I don't know why all the negative attention is directed at me.

You started the personal attacks by picking Chris up on calling us cheap ass'.

He was joking! you couldn't understand this and still can't by the sounds of things.......

can i ask... how was the focus kit fitted in this experiment?

over the 'hot' exhaust or over the 'cool' battery area

i suspect over the heat cos as said above-

'which the Focus induction doesn't show hoovering all the heat '

the focus can be mounted in the same area as the gsr can it not?
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can i ask... how was the focus kit fitted in this experiment?

over the 'hot' exhaust or over the 'cool' battery area

i suspect over the heat cos as said above-

'which the Focus induction doesn't show hoovering all the heat '

the focus can be mounted in the same area as the gsr can it not?
Very good point.
And yes it can. I have mine behind the battery
can i ask... how was the focus kit fitted in this experiment?

over the 'hot' exhaust or over the 'cool' battery area

i suspect over the heat cos as said above-

'which the Focus induction doesn't show hoovering all the heat '

the focus can be mounted in the same area as the gsr can it not?

Whether it was fitted over the exhaust or behind the battery wouldn't make a difference on the rr as th bonnet is open.

Heat will still be more of an issue behind the battery than where the filter on the MK2 8v kit is located.

And heat isn't the only downfall on the Focus kit. The focus kit neither gets the peak power of the GSR nor the much needed low down torque.

In theory the Focus kit should have a higher peak power capability than the GSR, but the problem is thast the theory can't be applied in this application because the engine needs quite some modification to show the advantage, which won't come in before about 9,000rpm.

And for your information there is a solution available for the Mk1 8v Puntos where the filter is in a similar position compared to the 16v but people are not prepared to pay for the kit.