Fiat Sedici Eleganza

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Fiat Sedici Eleganza


New member
May 27, 2014
My Sedici has developed a brake problem and so far the main dealer has been unable to find the cause. The problem is noticeable at slow speeds when the brake pedal is depressed the brakes are applied but the pedal gradually travels to the floor. The problem is also present when the car is stationary and the ignition switched off, which rules out any electrical problem. The initial diagnosis was the brake master cylinder which I replaced with one from a Suzuki SX4 but this did not cure the fault. The dealer has been in contact with Japan and the factory in Hungary but they have been unable to help. Any ideas?
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Hi - Many thanks.

The mechanic at the garage thinks it's too much of a coincidence that the replacement master cylinder would have the same problem as the original and I'm inclined to agree with him. Yes, it's the ABS model and the mechanic has also suggested that the ABS pump could be at fault (1800 Euro's for a new one). However surely the ABS is activated by electronics and this problem is present with the ignition switched off. One other symptom, if you apply the brakes very sharply, as in an emergency stop, the pedal does not travel to the floor, it only occurs when you apply light pressure. It has the garage totally baffled.

Hi Everyone,

I have a Suzuki SX4 1,9 DDis, 4WD and I have the totally same problem of yours Mr. Merseyman58 ! Could you solve the problem ? Or maybe I should ask it in other way: Could anybody solve this ABS problem ? I have sent 2 e-mails to the factory, but I have got no answers yet....
my car is 8 years old with 82.000 km.......Next Friday I am going to replace this unit to a used ABS module, because the new one costs around 2.000 euro.....But as I have read it, there is little chance to solve my problem... :-:)-:)-(

Please help me, if you have solved this so far....

Melinda from Hungary ( a desperate owner)