Heater fan completely stopped working after working intermittently for a while..
Does anyone know where the motor is located on my model please?
2012 Multi Jet Doblo
Heater fan completely stopped working after working intermittently for a while..
Does anyone know where the motor is located on my model please?
2012 Multi Jet Doblo
Well I figured out if anyone has the same problem that
Found my fan motor behind glove box passenger side.
1) If the fan dial doesn't work on all setting 1-5 then it is most probably the resistor.
2) If the fan goes dead suddenly then most probably the fuse or motor
3) If the fan works intermittently and struggles then the motor or wiring possibly the issue.
Ps, this is an easy job really even replacing the motor unit. Just awkward to access easily so use a headtorch and move the seat back to make room.