I read too much threads hear about fiat bravo headlight..
Until today i try 2 pairs leds for my headlight but i can say that i didn't have good-bright lights...
I like white lights like 6000k so i want to ask someone who has place something like i want, what to try to have good lighs..
I never try HID kit.
Can someone help me to pick right lamps?
Or if i can change projector to better one?
Thank you.
I read too much threads hear about fiat bravo headlight..
Until today i try 2 pairs leds for my headlight but i can say that i didn't have good-bright lights...
I like white lights like 6000k so i want to ask someone who has place something like i want, what to try to have good lighs..
I never try HID kit.
Can someone help me to pick right lamps?
Or if i can change projector to better one?
Thank you.