Technical Fiat 500 - Help identifying bracket

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Technical Fiat 500 - Help identifying bracket

Juzza K

New member
Mar 15, 2024
Hi, I have just re-fitted my Turbo and took this bracket off on strip down but cannot remember where it goes back. It has A611 and 4J stamped on it but searching on-line draws a blank.

Any help would be very much appreciated.
fiat 2.jpg
fiat 3.jpg
Bonjour, je viens de remonter mon turbo et j'ai retiré ce support lors du démontage mais je ne me souviens plus où il se trouve. Il y a les inscriptions A611 et 4J estampillées dessus mais une recherche en ligne ne donne rien.

Toute aide serait grandement appréciée.
View attachment 440127View attachment 440128View attachment 440129
J'ai trouvé exactement la même pièce sur ma Giulietta après avoir démonté la culasse, la distribution, le turbo et le haut de l'échappement... Je n'ai pas trouvé où la remettre. Avez-vous trouvé depuis ? Merci beaucoup
Merci de votre intérêt. Ma voiture est de 01/2017:
ALFA ROMEO Giulietta
III Phase 3 1.4 T-Jet 16V S&S 120 cv

Sur la pièce il est écrit A611

Merci d'avance pour votre aide
Merci BugsyMike... je vais chercher de ce côté-là.
Sorry, my French is limited to requesting a double bedroom and a bottle of wine in the 1970s, my expired passport still has a photo of my first wife on it, another reason why I can't afford Continental travel, that and the second wife and the five children and now seven grandchildren.;););)
Sorry, my French is limited to requesting a double bedroom and a bottle of wine in the 1970s, my expired passport still has a photo of my first wife on it, another reason why I can't afford Continental travel, that and the second wife and the five children and now seven grandchildren
Oh Oh... I understand ;). I'd just said "thank you" and i'm going to search near of what you mean.
So, I went through all the diagrams in ePER according to the model / year / engine and found nothing that would look close to the element on the photos :( Especially looked by the cat, the exhaust etc.

I also did a reverse image search on all four images and all of the search engines gave me only this thread in results :D

@David 13 if you wanna look by yourself, on the bottom of the forum banner you've got the link to the forum online ePER, you can search by the VIN number, it should give more precise results. Good luck.
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de faire tout ça pour moi!

Je vais regarder ce que vous me dîtes.

Encore mille mercis!