Technical engine shudder

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Technical engine shudder


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Owned my fiat stilo 1.2 i 16V for half a year and up to date no faults.

Within the last 2 weeks, my engine has started to shudder. Very lightly though and when trying to explain to my girlfriend she can't feel a thing.

But its not right

Between 3rd to 5th gear especially 3000 to 5000 revs the engine shudders, then when over 5000 pretty much nothing. It definately something to do with accelleration.

Cheers for any advice!
Owned my fiat stilo 1.2 i 16V for half a year and up to date no faults.

Within the last 2 weeks, my engine has started to shudder. Very lightly though and when trying to explain to my girlfriend she can't feel a thing.

But its not right

Between 3rd to 5th gear especially 3000 to 5000 revs the engine shudders, then when over 5000 pretty much nothing. It definately something to do with accelleration.

Cheers for any advice!

Might help if a dealer took a look for any codes stored in the ECU, but that would cost you. When did the car last have a service and were the exact right spark-plugs fitted? Could be a coil pack problem starting or a dirty throttle body, can be expensive guessing and using trial & error techniques too. Does it use any oil / water? Assuming here that the air filter is in good condition....
Re: problem foundengine shudder

After going into the engine, removing the air filter, I've established the problem!

As the air filter screws have come loose, the box has been banging against the top of the spark plugs, snapping to of the cable connections making them loose.

I need to know the name as I can't seem to find it on google, I need the new socket that sits over the spark plug where the cables plug into!

Does any body know the name of these ???????????

thank you