Technical Engine Dying When Putting Clutch Down

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Technical Engine Dying When Putting Clutch Down


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Jul 30, 2010
Hi guys was wanting a wee bit of advice here if anyone can help???

I purchased a Fiat Brava Sx 80 1200 51 Plate (2001) a couple of months ago, soon after driving it away i was noticing when changing into a high gear i was getting the revs but no power, my stepdad is a mechanic and said a new clutch was needed, so we got the new clutch done and that solved the problem and was working like a dream.......... or so i thought.

Now the problem i have is when i am at any speed and i want to change down a gear as soon as i put my foot on the clutch, the oil light comes on then the battery light then the car looses power all together. Im really not sure what the problem is?? But it doesnt matter what speed im going at for example im going 40mph and come to a junction and want to brake and change to 2nd gear it struggles and just cuts out..........any advice on what the problem could be guys....... Cheers Zara x
Are you sure this is a clutch problem, does it do this if you leave it in neautral rev it up to around 2k for a minute or so then take foot off throtle does it die then as well, when the car is not actually moving.
If it is ok and does this only when on the move:
Sounds like clutch drag to me, you clutch plate is not clearing your presure plate so when you are coming to a stop the engine is still trying to turn your gearbox causing a stall. which usaally means box back out to see where it has gone wrong, could be oil or grease on friction faces, or you may have a warped clutch or presure plate, but before you go to the extreme of dropping box you need to make sure it is box related and not a fuel/electrical probelm 1st, you could also just check on what gearbox oil went in to it as well,maybe to thick, drg can also be caused by clutch pedal free play, but as I recall your 1.2 is all hydraulic, so can't really see there being a problem there.
1.2s are not my thing but stalling when braking and applying the clutch i very odd isn't the 1.2 box notorious for dying something to do with the syncro into 2nd, just something i heard on another forum.. this may not help but food for thought.:)
1.2 box notorious for dying something to do with the syncro into 2nd
This would not cause engine to stall at junctions, this would manifest itself in difficulty in going into 2nd more noticeable when coming down from 3rd as it progresses the harder in gets and will also start crunching, you can bypass this by double de clutching to equalise gearbox main and layshaft speeds, if you are pushing this lever that hard coming into junction to stall the engine you would have been asking these questions weeks ago, and if that is what you are doing then you need a new box as the swarf alone will kill this one.
I think this is more to do with a sticking clutch, my main worry for you is main shaft is bent a little, this can happen, when you are struggling to get the box in and stop for a rest whilst the box is just hanging in there on the main. the one last shuv and it is in and bolts go in, that few seconds before this last shuv when you are gasping for breath at the weight of this box and how much of a pig it is to get it you could be either resting this box on the tip on the main shaft thus stressing it or resting it on one or more of the presure plate fingers and bending them.