Do you have to have the memory stick in the USB for Eco Drive or do you just plug it in when you need to upload data? ie can you use your ipod and Eco drive at the same time?
You have to have the memory key plugged in whilst you're using EcoDrive. But there is nothing stopping you using your memory key with your music on as the EcoDrive key. The data is quite small.
So I successfuly installed the App in my Bravo and made first journey from home to work. There are quite nice install instructions so I suppose to read them. Everything is now working correctly.
So lets see the results )
There is written that you do not need to have memory stick always attached. Seems that eco:drive is using internal memory for storing the results. They say up to 8 hours of driving can be stored internally.
Downloaded and installed today. Will have to wait until homeward journey to see what my first 'score' is.....
I 'Drive Miss Daisy' anyway,(Well MOST of the time !!:devil, so I will be interested to see what it has to say about my driving .....
Big Thanks to Morbeedo for the info.......:slayer: