General DualLogic or not?

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General DualLogic or not?


New member
Sep 15, 2009

To those that own them: Have you had any problems? If so, what, and roughly how long did it take to get fixed?

Can you describe how it feels to drive?

Apologies if these questions seem out of left-field, but I want to be 100% sure I'm going to be happy with it. Had too many problems with my 206 (they got fixed eventually) and want to avoid the same here.

Best regards,
Actually, my other thread was intending to be a bit more general than the gearbox.

I'm just paranoid after my extremely bad experience with my 206. It was so bad, I nearly gave up on the idea of driving completely. :eek:

I'm limited to driving autos, and if the smaller end of the market is going to be unreliable (apparently, Peugeot and Honda produce less than 5% of all their models as autos where offered, so not a good start to begin with) then I'm out of luck. Overall, my 206 spent more time in the workshop than on the road (I drive maybe 4,000 miles/year, mainly long-distance stuff, up to 500 miles each way).

I'm hoping to avoid it this time. It might be I buy one, and be extremely happy with it. I just want to be sure.

The only reason I'm looking around now is because my 206 got written off. :( Other than the gearbox, I was very pleased with the car, and was devastated when it was no more.

Best regards,
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a 500 with a Dualogic box will be far superior in every respect to your old Pug (y)

feels like driving a manual car without having to push a clutch pedal

also nice to manually shift - auto blips the throttle on downshift
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your avatar is really really creepy where is it from?

always disliked clowns!

I can't even remember where it came from now, I've had it so long.

I've collected quite a few over the years, and change them occasionally depending on my mood at the time.

That one has always been a particular favourite though :devil:
a 500 with a Dualogic box will be far superior in every respect to your old Pug (y)
Why did you have to say that??? :D

My CC might end up taking a beating before the month is out...

@Scrogg: your avatar looks rather sinister.

Best regards,
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