Double playing in Media Player

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Double playing in Media Player


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Something happends a couple of days before and using my mem stick in media player, it plays every song twice:confused:
No matter if it is in "playing all" ,"playing anything" or "play folder" mode...!
It happends after i trying to...say "shuffle" to the lady in BT:eek: but now it seems that there isn't anything too do to fix it.
Any advise?
Something happends a couple of days before and using my mem stick in media player, it plays every song twice:confused:
No matter if it is in "playing all" ,"playing anything" or "play folder" mode...!
It happends after i trying to...say "shuffle" to the lady in BT:eek: but now it seems that there isn't anything too do to fix it.
Any advise?
I had a similar problem yesterday, go to the settings menu, then media player, and check out the settings for loop track, and turn it off if it's on. Maybe turning it on, then off will work, it did for me.

Ta, Paul.