Derby/notts Meet???

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Derby/notts Meet???


Dec 26, 2005
Back in sunny?? Derby
Ok admittidly, I don't drive, YET!! and I missed the meet in September, and I no there was talk of a meet in nottingham, has there been anymore thoughts on this?????

I no that Derbychick n Mintysport were talking about it, but does anybody no wot happened to the idea??????????

obviously I can't show off my car, i don't have 1!!!!!, but it might be nice to meet ppl and get to have a look at other cars so i can nick all the good ideas

so wot do ppl think?>>>
The Negotiator said:
you get the bus there? :p ;)

lol, very funny, but I can get there, it's just a case of finding out if ppl want to do it or not??

I no there was talk but I don't no if anything was set in stone, just wondered that was all(y)
i go if there are a few interested, although i never really need much of an excuse to go for a drive :eek:

took me just under 2 hours to get to derby when i went by there just before xmas :D
charmed103 said:
lol, very funny, but I can get there, it's just a case of finding out if ppl want to do it or not??

I no there was talk but I don't no if anything was set in stone, just wondered that was all(y)

If u want a lift baby doll ur chariot awaits will come myself but remember ppl donny is on april 15th/16th and ime defo coming to that (y) :D
well we`ve had two really.... but ppl always say they will come and then only a few turn up.....
it wasnt aimed at u sweety... but hang your head in shame anyway lol
Derbychick said:
well we`ve had two really.... but ppl always say they will come and then only a few turn up.....

yeah I have read some of the threads on that, n i no that u n minty were trying to get ppl to have ideas about wot they wanted to do.

but like i say it was just a thought, as i have stuff going on at the min which might involve me having to go away for a while for treatment so i thought it might be nice to meet up n say hi b4 i go if i have to, its all up in the air at the min, so I don't no wots happening:bang:

my body is a temple, a crumbling wreck :cry: lol

So it mite be classed as a farewell do rather than a meet!!!!!!!!!!

come on ppl, come out to play!!!!
well i guess that the lack of interest means no one fancies a meet???

fair enough just a thought, i will be honest it was just a plan to get to charlieboy so i can nab his internal organs!!!!!:eek:

run charlie run!!!!!:D
charmed103 said:
well i guess that the lack of interest means no one fancies a meet???

fair enough just a thought, i will be honest it was just a plan to get to charlieboy so i can nab his internal organs!!!!!:eek:

run charlie run!!!!!:D

Think we may have needed a few hepers though while u extract the nessessary :D :wave:
charlieboy said:
:eek: not coming now!!!

joke, i more than likely will. as long as i still get to go donny :D


hell yes mate will definatly be at donny nice to meet some of u great ppl (n)
charlieboy said:
:eek: not coming now!!!

joke, i more than likely will. as long as i still get to go donny :D


ah dude, i am only joking:D

won't need anything for a while, mine still work just!!!!

can i just start the measuring procedure this time, round n there mite be a few blood tests to check compatability???, i promise i will make it up to you, i will buy u a drink, but not too many cos u don't want to drink n drive!!(y)