What You Will Need
A Cruise Control Stick! These cannot be ordered separately from FIAT for the Stilo, so you’ll have to source one from a breakers yard for example. I got mine as part of a whole column stalk set off eBay so keep a lookout there too. You can get one for an Alfa Romeo 147; it shares the same fixings and connector, but you will have to adapt the steering shroud for it to fit properly. Part Number for this stalk is 735365522.

Tools! A Size 3 Allen key and a pozidrive screwdriver may be all you’ll need, but some may require a 10mm socket setup too.
(Hopefully) A new lower steering shroud, one to fit round the cruise control stalk.
Only go ahead with this if you’re confident; I don’t want to hear any stories of Stilos not starting after this. Also, you'll read in a few pages about Stilo's that aren't wired up; it has come to my attention that other modifications to the Stilo are required for this to work, and as I do not know the extent, all information here is provided as A BASIS WITH NO GUARANTEE that it'll work!
A Cruise Control Stick! These cannot be ordered separately from FIAT for the Stilo, so you’ll have to source one from a breakers yard for example. I got mine as part of a whole column stalk set off eBay so keep a lookout there too. You can get one for an Alfa Romeo 147; it shares the same fixings and connector, but you will have to adapt the steering shroud for it to fit properly. Part Number for this stalk is 735365522.

Tools! A Size 3 Allen key and a pozidrive screwdriver may be all you’ll need, but some may require a 10mm socket setup too.
(Hopefully) A new lower steering shroud, one to fit round the cruise control stalk.
Only go ahead with this if you’re confident; I don’t want to hear any stories of Stilos not starting after this. Also, you'll read in a few pages about Stilo's that aren't wired up; it has come to my attention that other modifications to the Stilo are required for this to work, and as I do not know the extent, all information here is provided as A BASIS WITH NO GUARANTEE that it'll work!