General cracked windscreen yikkes

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General cracked windscreen yikkes

Tight fitting curved windcreen..highly stressed anyway. Cold weather makes the body contract and the frame squeezes the glass..Crack!

'Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey' The monkey was a brass plate on the deck of old time sailing warships. On it were piled cannonballs beside each gun. When it got cold the brass plate contracted and forced the cannonballs to roll off...!

Here endeth today's lesson.
i paid £25 just for fixing a small hole that some small rock hit
Tinkers used to have a different use for that engraving goo that you could the days before security numbers were etched you could buy a stencil and do your own.

In this case the lads use the same acid paste..but with a 1" brush over the windscreen with some very rude words...backwards. :devil: