After all the trouble I had with losing coolant, now I just cant seem to get rid of it.. The car over heats easily and the coolant is topped right up to the max mark.. What do you think it could be? thermostat?
Is the system fully bled?
Does the top hose get fully hot when the light is on?
Does the cooling fan work?
Does the temp sensor read correctly?
Will check if top hose gets hot tomorrow, the fan works not long replaced it. temp sensor is only a light on the 60 S but can tell when the car gets hot the oil light tends to come on when braking.
If oil light comes on when braking id check your oil! Dont leave it to late because you can cause quite a lot of damage to your engine hasnt got enough oil. Thats probly why its oveerheating because not enough oil.
Your engine oil lubbricates and COOLS your engine if not enough oil then your bearing and big end wont be lubricated causing friction and heat then BANG your engines had it.
Even if your dipstick is telling you that oil is full drain your oil sump because it is likely that your sump is blocked full of sludge. So in reality you have about 1 litre off oil but dipstick is telling you full. If this is the case you have to take sump off clean out and refit it.
Happened to mates car she had oil light come on when going round sharp corners and braking.
If oil light comes on when braking id check your oil! Dont leave it to late because you can cause quite a lot of damage to your engine hasnt got enough oil. Thats probly why its oveerheating because not enough oil.
Your engine oil lubbricates and COOLS your engine if not enough oil then your bearing and big end wont be lubricated causing friction and heat then BANG your engines had it.
Even if your dipstick is telling you that oil is full drain your oil sump because it is likely that your sump is blocked full of sludge. So in reality you have about 1 litre off oil but dipstick is telling you full. If this is the case you have to take sump off clean out and refit it.
Happened to mates car she had oil light come on when going round sharp corners and braking. Her dip stick said full i drained it and only 1 litre came out. Removed sump and about 2 inch thick sludge all at the bottom of the sump blocking it.
What experience level would you rate this as? I'm still kind of new when it comes to engines slowly learning though. My father is a mechanic so I if worse comes to worse he can fix it.
One thing rules me out, not got a jack anywhere spare lol
You not got a spare one i boot of your car with spare tyre?
If you have then just jack one side of car and put it on bricks then jack other side and put bricks under that side aswel, put under a secure point under the car (jacking points, box sections but NOT!!! the sills as they will just crumble away). I know sounds like a right bodge job lol but some times its the only way unless you have axle stands lol.
Do mk1 puntos come with a jack in the boot?
Should be a jack. I'd not use bricks. Blocks of wood would be better, axle stands are cheap. Anyway, you don't need to jack the car up when changing the oil.
If doing the sump, remember it needs sealant (doesn't have a gasket).
When was the oil filter last changed? Could be that no-one checked it for tightness after they put it on.
Your dad won't appreciate it if an oil and filter change becomes an engine rebuild with a £300+ bill for parts............
Should be a jack. I'd not use bricks. Blocks of wood would be better, axle stands are cheap. Anyway, you don't need to jack the car up when changing the oil.
If doing the sump, remember it needs sealant (doesn't have a gasket).
When was the oil filter last changed? Could be that no-one checked it for tightness after they put it on.
Your dad won't appreciate it if an oil and filter change becomes an engine rebuild with a £300+ bill for parts............
Axle stands are pretty much essential for removing the sump as you've got to get the exhaust well out of the way anyway.
20 or 31 pound a pair from Machine Mart. Way better than a car on yer 'ead!