Technical Converting headlights from EU to UK

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Technical Converting headlights from EU to UK


New member
Mar 7, 2022
Hi everyone,
I have imported my Fiat Tipo 2017 Diesel 1.6 from Italy to Ireland.
I just failed the NCT because of the lights shape.

I've already paid a pre-NCT center to apply light benders, but I still failed it.
So my idea is, would it be possible to modify the headlights to be permanently conformant instead of applying a sticker?

I thought I may disassemble the headlights and switch the deflectors, or replace a component.

Many thanks,
The simplest, correct way to do this would be to fit UK spec headlamps. Expensive new, and scarce from breakers.
If the headlamps are the projector type, like a big magnifying glass or fisheye, some have the facility to rotate the bulb holder to swap easily from right to left dip. With more 'normal' reflectors, it may be possible to move the bulb holder, but this is probably more firmly attached, and may not have an alternative location. If the reflector is specific for right dip, rotatiing the bulb may not give the required pattern, so still giving a fail.
You'll need to take the lamp out and look carefully at the bulb holder attachment. It may be possible to remove it without destroying it, and it may have the alternative location for left dip. This may give the desired results, or may just bring more stress.
The lamp will be 'E' marked to show it complies with EU regulations. UK, left dip lights will usually have a left pointing arrow somewhere on the lamp, visible in its fitted position, and even after moving the bulb holder, that arrow will still be missing. Without that, the tester may still fail it, regardless of beam pattern, as this arrow is part of the legislative requirement. The projector lamps with the changeover facility will have a double-headed arrow.
There seem to be some lamps available on eBay, at varying prices, but lots of money. If buying online, try to choose ones that look the same as the originals, to avoid wiring and function differences, make sure you get an identical pair if from different sources. If buying new aftermarket ones, be careful that they are left dip, as this is often overlooked by sellers.