Technical Connect Nav Installation

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Technical Connect Nav Installation


New member
Jul 26, 2009
I have a question :LOL:

I know they can be retrofitted into other Stilo's but I hear they are a pain to install.

So here is my question to the masses.

If i purchase one is there someone on the forum that could fit it, for a price ofcourse ;)

Thanks for looking!
Im in essex at the moment, but I also live in Staffordshire.

Photos for the guide would be a good idea.
tbh i looked at this some years back when i was offered a cn+ system, the whole proceedure for me was too much work for very little gain, you could get a much better system that will install into the car with added features such as dvd / divx, hhd etc without having to pull the car to pieces.
i think even some makes will communitcate with the can network so you get the read out on your dash, i cant remember what make though.
Thats a better idea, I wonder what ones could communicate with the can.
I have no idea what the ICE loungue is lol, I know ebay has a few double din cd/dvd and gps players, with IP connectivity. I dont know any that communicate with the CAN though.