Cobra 4908 Can Bus

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Cobra 4908 Can Bus


New member
May 6, 2009
I’m installing a Cobra 4908 can bus alarm to my (New Model) 2007 Scudo 120 multijet. I’m looking for guidance on the attached installation instructions, which describes the exact fuse board plugs, pin numbers and colours of wire used to connect to the alarms harness.

Thanks to bigdong’s reply to my initial request (See thread in Scudo section) I’ve discovered that the wire colours described within the Cobra illustration pdf are incorrect.

My request for help consists of three questions.

Can someone please confirm/cross-refer the correct colours of the wires used by the plugs/pins described in the Cobra alarm fitting instructions pdf? This will be of great help to me when trying identi

Explain how the 10Kohm resistor connects to the system?

If I disconnect any of the plugs on the fuse board will this damage the vehicles electrical system?

Thanks again.(y)


  • Cobra 4908.jpg
    Cobra 4908.jpg
    752 KB · Views: 2,477
  • Fiat_Scudo_2007_Instal.pdf
    154.8 KB · Views: 384
I’m installing a Cobra 4908 can bus alarm to my (New Model) 2007 Scudo 120 multijet. I’m looking for guidance on the attached installation instructions, which describes the exact fuse board plugs, pin numbers and colours of wire used to connect to the alarms harness.

Thanks to bigdong’s reply to my initial request (See thread in Scudo section) I’ve discovered that the wire colours described within the Cobra illustration pdf are incorrect.

My request for help consists of three questions.

Can someone please confirm/cross-refer the correct colours of the wires used by the plugs/pins described in the Cobra alarm fitting instructions pdf? This will be of great help to me when trying identi

Explain how the 10Kohm resistor connects to the system?

If I disconnect any of the plugs on the fuse board will this damage the vehicles electrical system?

Thanks again.(y)

What colours are incorrect the vehicle or the alarm
you must bear in mind colours and locations are as a guide only and cannot be relied on you must test each wire
you may find locations are ok but they change wire colours ( common )
The resister connects as per instructions
Unpluging will be ok as long as ignition is off but try and fit in situ

Regards Ian
I'm looking for this scheme for ages, pls, if you have manual send me to PM
Hi Ian,

Thanks for your advice, sorry I haven’t been more specific with my request. You’re correct the wire colours are not the same on the fuse board! I was going to cross-refer the correct wire and pin positions on the fuse board harness plugs to that on the PDF fitting instructions.

The Scudos fuse board sits inside a removable pocket, mounted on its side, with the removable fuses closest to you and all wiring connectors are facing toward the steering column. The fuse board has a surround covering the multipoint connector blocks making it awkward to identify wire colours and pin numbers.

For example, the 10 way Black (PB) connector requires 4 wires to be made, pin numbers 2,3,8,10, as described on page 1 of the fitting instructions PDF. These wires are not white, blue, white and brown on my harness! My concern is I connect to the wrong number of pin and I blow something other than a fuse!

My understanding of the vehicles can bus system is limited and as previously mentioned disconnecting the 10 way Black (PB) connector resulted in changing my consol display language from English to Italian and resetting my milometer to Kilometres. Disconnecting the fuse board harness connector blocks will be the only easy way of crimping a connection to the alarms harness.

Question: How do Fiat identify pin 1, is it marked on the vehicle harness plugs or is it shown on the fuse board and what numerical sequence are they?

The alarm circuit diagram was for reference included to help figure out what the wires were for.


Doug (y)
Do you need the manual for setup instructions rather than wiring diagrams?
Hi Ian,

Thanks for your advice, sorry I haven’t been more specific with my request. You’re correct the wire colours are not the same on the fuse board! I was going to cross-refer the correct wire and pin positions on the fuse board harness plugs to that on the PDF fitting instructions.

The Scudos fuse board sits inside a removable pocket, mounted on its side, with the removable fuses closest to you and all wiring connectors are facing toward the steering column. The fuse board has a surround covering the multipoint connector blocks making it awkward to identify wire colours and pin numbers.

For example, the 10 way Black (PB) connector requires 4 wires to be made, pin numbers 2,3,8,10, as described on page 1 of the fitting instructions PDF. These wires are not white, blue, white and brown on my harness! My concern is I connect to the wrong number of pin and I blow something other than a fuse!

My understanding of the vehicles can bus system is limited and as previously mentioned disconnecting the 10 way Black (PB) connector resulted in changing my consol display language from English to Italian and resetting my milometer to Kilometres. Disconnecting the fuse board harness connector blocks will be the only easy way of crimping a connection to the alarms harness.

Question: How do Fiat identify pin 1, is it marked on the vehicle harness plugs or is it shown on the fuse board and what numerical sequence are they?

The alarm circuit diagram was for reference included to help figure out what the wires were for.


Doug (y)

i Have done a Gemini on one of these before and did not have a problem
the fuse box is awkward but you can remove the surround to make life easier and see more about the board
removing plugs should be fine with ign off same as changing battery
then you will see pin orientation
the test wires for logic blinkers you cannot test can wires without specialist equiptment but the wires you are connecting listen to can so no damage can occur

what i did find ( but mine was the Citroen variant ) the can wires were missing so you had to insert pins

Regards Ian