General clutch nightmere

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General clutch nightmere


New member
Oct 2, 2007
Please help anybody

I have just got in 11pm after tryin to change the clutch on my sporting. Everything was a nightmare. Everything was seized i mean EVERYTHING!

But my main trouble is the fork that the clutch bearing sits in, The bearing had burnt the ends of the fork away so the new bearing would not clip into place. I tried to fabricate the fork to repair it and make a new top hat as the only way i could see to get the fork/shaft out was to break the old top hat bush.

The problem is now is that the bearing is not completely secure in the mended fork..

Can I buy this fork as a separate part ?

Please any hints or tips would be MOST appreciated

Hey thanks everyone

Was nearly in tears last night:cry: Ive had some really old and rare cars (mostly old yanks) but I can honestly say I have never ever come across anything as akward as this cinq...... Not just the lack of room but how seized up it all was (ball joint bolts snappin as were the suspension bolts)...

Anyway the shop4parts isnt open till monday so will order the fork then and hopefully fit it wednesday if I can get them to send it out quickly.

Its a good job I love it soo!!!
It will be worth it.

But -- to add insult to injury -- there's no need to touch the ball joints!

Jack up, axle stands, wheels off
undo the innermost clip to the inner CV joint (replace later with a new clip or a big tie wrap)
having dosed well with plug gas or GT-85 the day before (they can be sods) undo and remove the two bottom bolts and nuts (each side) retaining the struts.
Pull on the disks and there should be just enough woggle room for the shaft to pop out of the cup
Wrap a shopping bag round the endo of each inner CV joint to keep the dirt out

This avoids the time, hastle, and potential damage of undoing the ball joints. Not as Haynes suggests, but way quicker.

This I got from somewhere on here after doing it the Haynes way once -- never again!
Hmmm nevermind done now...

I do know that im gonna have trouble locating the box back to the block because of one stupid stud in the box (back of the bay) And the thin shield/gasket thing..... I think maybe doing it of a daytime might help as 11pm in a freezin cold workshop with next to no light has a way of really gettin to a guy...

Just gutted cause i cant get it on the ramp as my brother has his 15 year project (alfa 75) on it and refuses to get it off:confused:
Yeah we took it off with a jack under the box but am gonna try and get a crane for wed.
Ha ha yup i did alot of wiggilin, as I said I think it will be easier when Im not as tired and it is only a small box so hopefully it will fly in.
Well the nightmare finally over... Got a new clutch fork from shop4parts. Still not convinced on how loose the bearing was in the fork but it stayed put and its in now so woohoo....

Clutch is sound now if a little high on the pedal but nothing too bad.

It was running like a bag of spanners when i got it back together though until I realised that id got two of the little black pipes(vacumn i think) mixed up. Once they where sorted them I was away.

Brakes next I think as back divers side drum seems to be binding and front on last legs anyway.....
If you need parts I can vouch for jiminwatford I got my gearbox from him when I trashed my original one (badly adjusted clutch noob error) and I have also brought an interior light from him, good bloke good prices and fast delivery.