New member
Hi All...hope someone can help.
We bought an 899cc P reg Cinq for the misses. Always new it was a fixer upper but it chucked a load of smoke (blue I reckon...defo oil related) out of the exhaust on the way home and soaked the air filter in oil.
I suspected head gasket so borrowed a compression tester and tested as per haynes manual. All 4 cylinders recorded 200psi within a couple of me thinks that is OK. So I gave it a good service (15/40 oil, new air/oil/fuel filters, new bosch spark plugs and new coolant)...also added forte engine flush before drain down. Also gave filter box...pipes to throttle body...and throttle body a good clean to remove all the oil.
Car was SORNed so after service I started it on the driveway and after initial smoking...which I put down to leftover oil in the seemed to run ok and no smoke.
Have now taxed car and took it for a drive this evening. Seemed to start ok...but then after a while...going slightly uphill it started to smoke I think...I stopped and checked air filter...still clean...left pipe off between filter box and throttle body to limp home...had to go up seriously big hill to be able to turn around and it still smoked...then weird thing happened when I pulled over again...seemed to stop smoking...even if I revved engine when stationary?? Drove home with pipe still smoke and air filter still clean. Put pipe back on between filter box and throttle body and drove same route...twice...still no smoke??
Don't believe it's fixed itself...none of my other Fiats ever have (but I still love them). And the missus is moaning saying she won't trust it until I tell her what's wrong with it...therefore seeking crystal ball!!
We bought an 899cc P reg Cinq for the misses. Always new it was a fixer upper but it chucked a load of smoke (blue I reckon...defo oil related) out of the exhaust on the way home and soaked the air filter in oil.
I suspected head gasket so borrowed a compression tester and tested as per haynes manual. All 4 cylinders recorded 200psi within a couple of me thinks that is OK. So I gave it a good service (15/40 oil, new air/oil/fuel filters, new bosch spark plugs and new coolant)...also added forte engine flush before drain down. Also gave filter box...pipes to throttle body...and throttle body a good clean to remove all the oil.
Car was SORNed so after service I started it on the driveway and after initial smoking...which I put down to leftover oil in the seemed to run ok and no smoke.
Have now taxed car and took it for a drive this evening. Seemed to start ok...but then after a while...going slightly uphill it started to smoke I think...I stopped and checked air filter...still clean...left pipe off between filter box and throttle body to limp home...had to go up seriously big hill to be able to turn around and it still smoked...then weird thing happened when I pulled over again...seemed to stop smoking...even if I revved engine when stationary?? Drove home with pipe still smoke and air filter still clean. Put pipe back on between filter box and throttle body and drove same route...twice...still no smoke??
Don't believe it's fixed itself...none of my other Fiats ever have (but I still love them). And the missus is moaning saying she won't trust it until I tell her what's wrong with it...therefore seeking crystal ball!!