Technical Changing the coolant.

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Technical Changing the coolant.


New member
Jan 24, 2013
Hi again
I've noticed that the coolant in my 1.4 6speed is looking a bit brown and dirty so am going to do a system flush and change. I've read so many different ways of doing it. So I just need the simplest way. Do you have to drain then fill then run engine to remove air? Or should you just let it settle and work itself out? Also where is the best place to drain from and what's the best way to flush it through? I've read many that say refill with water and run engine to circulate but am just a bit muddled about the best way to do it. A step by step would be very handy indeed.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Quick release clip on bottom of tad, pull of and drain. Refill with water and drain - repeat until runs clear, then full with water, run until hot and drain - repeating until clear.

Then refil with coolant. Iirc it was fairly self bleeding on my 1.4. Radiator does have a bleed nipple, but the setup if fairly self bleeding :)
To add to the above there should be a plastic bleed screw on a hose between the ECU and firewall.

Also watch EricTheCarGuy. (Spill free funnel thing doesn't apply, use the expansion tank with the cap off for the same thing.)
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Noticed that my coolant hasn't been getting up to half on the temp gauge during this cold weather probably down to the coolant being as old as the car.

Mine is the same even though the coolant was replaced 6 months ago. Takes at least 20-30 mins of normal driving for the gauge to reach half way. Its probably just the cold weather and having the heating on full whack all the time.