General Car wouldn't start up straight away - Had to turn ignition and hold accel pedal down!

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General Car wouldn't start up straight away - Had to turn ignition and hold accel pedal down!


New member
Sep 12, 2012
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone could find out the possible reason for why this has happened/happening.

basically, I stalled, I didn't have much fuel, the car wouldn't start back up. When it did without putting petrol in, it was just above the red line. I managed to start it but the car was making a metal alike rattling noise like something metal was grinding or spinning (rubbing together) when ever I was in first gear and the car is stationary and I let go of the clutch to move off, it would make this sound.

Anyone have an idea what this could be? Alternator? throw out bearing?

When the car stalled, It would not start back up even with a full tank, had to put my foot down on the gas in order for it to start. Lift the bonnet open and smoke was coming out. Engine felt hot and could smell a burny smell.

any ideas? The car starts fine now without the need of having to put my feet down on the accelerator but I'm worried it's something serious/problem will come back and it's gonna be costly!

Also checked my dipstick, I filled up oil on monday and it seems really dry, like there's hardly any oil in. WTH?

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