Technical Camber-strap

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Technical Camber-strap

Mar 7, 2005
When even Tom the hobbler is recommending undoing brake-mods, my New Year's Resolution is to give up on the modding lark;) So I only have two more days in which to carry out any changes to my car. :D

I just saw an interesting post on Facebook about the use of camber (check) straps on the rear swinging arms of a Fiat 600, which seem very appropriate to the 500; I have never seen that subject discussed here.

It was very well illustrated with an image of a hard-cornering car with one rear wheel off the ground and the other one being tucked under at an alarming degree of exaggerated camber. As was stated; this can quickly lead to rolling over.

My car has had a problem with too much camber, which will have increased the likelyhood of this event's now sorted, but I have had that unnerving feeling several times on bends taken too fast. Since it was said that it was an Abarth mod, (at least on the 600), has anyone done this(images???).
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I saw some fools talking about this on Facebook earlier:) I think that if you have managed not to roll a 500 in your ‘considerable’ number of years, maybe indicates that this is a mod too far even for you! Besides I doubt whether your untuned car produces enough bhp to get it up on to two wheels:eek:

Also why remove the fun factor of trying to achieve it:eek:
I saw some fools talking about this on Facebook earlier:)

I saw that..bloody idiots!:D

I think that if you have managed not to roll a 500 in your ‘considerable’ number of years, maybe indicates that this is a mod too far even for you! Besides I doubt whether your untuned car produces enough bhp to get it up on to two wheels:eek:

...cruel! It's not my fault that I don't know my big-end from my spigot-bush.:D

Also why remove the fun factor of trying to achieve it:eek:

It's only fun when I'm driving it; my idea of spirited driving is fairly tame, but now that 'er indoors has taken a liking to rally-driving we might even need to fit a roll-cage, never mind check-straps!!!

Ok, I take your point, instead I'll just keep it simple and get on with modifying refashioning the wipers to have an intermittent function.:ROFLMAO:
It's only fun when I'm driving it; my idea of spirited driving is fairly tame, but now that 'er indoors has taken a liking to rally-driving we might even need to fit a roll-cage, never mind check-straps!!!

I think you should leave Murp "as is" and perhaps rebuild "Colonel Mustard" as the Rally machine... starting with a fresh car you could incorporate all sorts of things
Intermittant wipers are something that the 500 could do with, especially down here in wet (ish) North wales. What system are you planning to use Peter? I am led to believe that there is a kit available for adding this facility to the system.
...........What system are you planning to use Peter? I am led to believe that there is a kit available for adding this facility to the system.
Ohh no you are going to get him all excited Tom...

he will be looking at the "Parallel-wiper upgrade kit" on the Axel Gerst site
I'm glad you agree regarding the wipers, Tom the hobbler. I realise that some people would think that spending £60-£70 on a bit of chromed metal with the word "Abarth" written on it would be a desirable improvement to the car; happily for me, I'm not one of them.:D But my wipers already operate in synch and have never detached involuntarily despite me living near to the North Pole so £70 saved and originality retained.(y)

But it does rain a lot in the UK and where I drive it tends not to be downpours but more frequently it is sporadic light showers, so the intermittent wiper function would actually be something that would improve my enjoyment of the car without changing its appearance.

Should it be successful I'll try to get round to writing the process up, but so far my investment has been £2.20 on a special relay, which if wired in properly and with an addition on/off switch fitted, will give the intermittent function without necessarily removing any of the original wiring.

Anyway.... backto camber straps.....[emoji3]
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