Technical Cam Pulley Locking Tool

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Technical Cam Pulley Locking Tool


New member
Oct 29, 2014
Hi All,

I'm new to the site and Fiat ownership. I've just bought a seicento off ebay with what looks to be a dodgy cam seal. I'm looking to take the camshaft out and fix this tomorrow but am struggling to find information on how to lock the pulley in place, so I can remove it. It's been a long time since I've done any work on anything with less than 16v so all the locking tools I own are pretty useless for this. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks for the reply, but if I don't lock the pulley how would you ever separate it from the camshaft? Everytime I try to loosen it it will just spin the whole cam won't it?
On the 8v motors, the easy (and quick) way is (cam cover off) just to insert a bar through the holes in the cam. Pad it where it meets the top of the head, have at it.

Don't stress the belt. But the biggest danger of using the belt as a locking tool is that you sheer off the faux woodruff key from the pulley(s).
Brilliant, thanks for all your help folks! That's tomorrows job sorted!
Now I've started this I'm thinking it may be the crank oil seal instead. I've got the alternator pulley off but can't get the crank sprocket to undo. I notice it's got 3 little holes, is there a way to use these to hold it in place?
