Technical Budget Friendly Diagnostics All-In-One

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Technical Budget Friendly Diagnostics All-In-One

Aug 17, 2024
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Hi, I'm new here and someone probably answered this already somewhere but I can't really find right answer.

I'm using macbook as my laptop and I don't have a spare windows laptop laying around to get something like delphi diagnostics. I work from home and that's why I've been using mac. Don't judge me, I know that windows is sometimes better.

I need something that's universal and something that I know will work. For example, those Konnwei KW310 diagnostics don't support Fiat Croma but they say they support Grande Punto. I can't really trust them shady sellers. Just need something to read my codes through the device without having the need for laptop.

Please share your experience if you have any :)

I'm looking for some diagnostics like this:
Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 14.11.56.png
Useless. You need Fiat specific software to properly read all engine parameters and use other functionality (resets, adaptations, tests).
OBD2 is for data reading and logging of the parameters, not only for erasing fault codes (that's for clueless lames), that's a secondary function.
If you don't own Windows based machines, try Android (smartphone) apps (like "AlfaOBD") and ELM327 BlueTooth interface (normal sized one, not Mini).
Unless you're Apple fan-boy...
Told you, reading/erasing codes is lame and you will never "fix" anything in the car by watching codes only.
Erasing codes is not "repair". And fun fact: many faults will give NO codes, then what?
You need more. Parameters of the working (hopefully) engine and other modules (you do NOT decide what type of fault will appear: engine, ABS, Body, Dashboard, AirBag, therefore you need access to all modules and their functions, otherwise it doesn't make sense).
What's the point of knowing the fault code number, but not being able to do more about it (besides erasing)?
Especially if you don't plan to fix anything by yourself (car will go to the mechanic/workshop/garage anyway), the codes alone are useless.

If you insist, buy the cheapest possible universal interface or standalone OBD2 device (that doesn't need computer/smarphone), "code reader" just like the picture you've posted above.
Thread closed.
Getting a comprehensive package like MultiEcuscan (MES) and a ELM 237 interface with leads will give you MUCH more information and utility than a generic hand-held device.
Yoi don't need a fancy laptop An older machine running windows XP will run MES just fine. These can be picked up for very little. They acn even be found for nothing on Trash nothing and similar websites and groups.