Bravo audio set up

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Bravo audio set up

WHU fiat

New member
Apr 2, 2009
Just intersted to hear what other people hav done with their bravo if anything relating to speaker etc set up.any thoughts on placement ?? make, size all helpfull

PLacement of 6.5" up to ?10 maybe...
Thoughts on a midrange or possibly small subwoofer just mounted on the parcel shlef? no 12 inch sub in the boot thanks lol

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Hey there dude. Its nice to see a Bravo owner in here. Do you mean the New bravo.
Infinite Baffle (speakers with no box) can be very pricey and still need a very solid mount. Have a look into ID max IB subs they are the industry standard really for Sound Quality installations.
As you are new we dont really know your level of understanding of ICE and a budget would be good buddy.
Hey there dude. Its nice to see a Bravo owner in here. Do you mean the New bravo.
Infinite Baffle (speakers with no box) can be very pricey and still need a very solid mount. Have a look into ID max IB subs they are the industry standard really for Sound Quality installations.
As you are new we dont really know your level of understanding of ICE and a budget would be good buddy.

Thanks for the reply, my one is one of the older bravo/bravas, i would say im not too great on the understanding to be honest :confused: i know a little but could do with advice. Not a great budget....up to 200 250 somthing like that. just need help on where to put what, what to get etc.....if i get a sub would prefer not to have it in a box in the boot...thought about parcel shelf, or slim sub that fit under seats
Thanks in advance
Well you can get adaptors to fit 13cm speakers im not 100% sure what size they start at 5"x7" i think. Your best bet is to make some MDF adaptor rings you may be able to fit 6.5"
Unfortunately i dont know enough about active subs to give an honest opinion. The only one that i have heard that sounds ok is the Viber CBR's but you may as well just buy a 10" JBL and strap an amp to it.
It all depends on how much effort you are willing to put in.
If done properly a decent set of components with a load of sound deadening and a good amp will far outweigh a cheap active sub under the seat.