500 Fiat 500 audio problem

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500 Fiat 500 audio problem


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May 26, 2024
Fiat 500 audio/radio problem

Im trying to fix my girlfriends car she has a fiat 500 by diesel version with an interscope audio system. The radio works but when its turned on you only hear bass sound from the subwoofer. I first tried a other radio this dindnt do anything. Later i tried to turn on the radio and then it did work good. When i went back 20 minutes later i tried it again and it went back to a only working sub. When it worked for a short time the audio sound was perfect no crackling sound.

I looked online and thought that maybe the amplifier went bad so i took it out (i uploaded some photos of it). To me it doenst really look bad so i asked a friend for advice he said that maybe power supply module is bad.

Does anyone know where i could find this power supply for the amplifier ?
Did someone experience this problem to ?
Any advice would be great.


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The power supply is built into the amplifier
Ideally, you need to see if there's an audio input for the front rear at the amplifier or feed an external input into it to test the unit. The fact you have the sub working suggests the power supply if fine, it's more likely there's no audio input or output from the radio


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The power supply is built into the amplifier
Ideally, you need to see if there's an audio input for the front rear at the amplifier or feed an external input into it to test the unit. The fact you have the sub working suggests the power supply if fine, it's more likely there's no audio input or output from the radio
Thanku for your reaction. I saw online that de subwoofer has its own amplifier thats why i think the amp for de speakers is broken. Because there is stil a good bass coming from the subwoofer. Or is it possible that the audio input / output from the radio to the speaker amplifier is bad and to the subwoofer good?
There are many possibilities but all are simple but you need to start looking simply, so is there a line output level signal from the radio, you'll need either an oscilloscope and separate amplifier (from the house say ) to hear if there's any output, or very high impedance headphones, then work towards the amp rulling things out as you go
There are many possibilities but all are simple but you need to start looking simply, so is there a line output level signal from the radio, you'll need either an oscilloscope and separate amplifier (from the house say ) to hear if there's any output, or very high impedance headphones, then work towards the amp rulling things out as you go

There are many possibilities but all are simple but you need to start looking simply, so is there a line output level signal from the radio, you'll need either an oscilloscope and separate amplifier (from the house say ) to hear if there's any output, or very high impedance headphones, then work towards the amp rulling things out as you go
I came acros someone that was selling a defect amp she had the same fiat with this soundsystem. She was very helpfull and exactly had the same symptoms/problems. Next saturday i found someone willing to sell/try a good amp. Thanks for the advice i will update you when i tried it! Lets hope its the amplifier
Πρόβλημα ήχου/ραδιοφώνου Fiat 500

Προσπαθώ να φτιάξω το αυτοκίνητο των φίλων μου, έχει ένα fiat 500 by diesel έκδοση με ηχοσύστημα interscope. Το ραδιόφωνο λειτουργεί, αλλά όταν είναι ενεργοποιημένο ακούτε μόνο μπάσο ήχο από το υπογούφερ. Πρώτα δοκίμασα ένα άλλο ραδιόφωνο και δεν έκανα τίποτα. Αργότερα προσπάθησα να ανοίξω το ραδιόφωνο και μετά λειτούργησε καλά. Όταν επέστρεψα 20 λεπτά αργότερα, το δοκίμασα ξανά και επέστρεψε σε ένα μόνο λειτουργικό δευτερεύον. Όταν λειτούργησε για λίγο, ο ήχος ήταν τέλειος χωρίς ήχο τριξίματος.

Κοίταξα στο διαδίκτυο και σκέφτηκα ότι ίσως ο ενισχυτής χάλασε και τον έβγαλα (ανέβασα μερικές φωτογραφίες του). Για μένα δεν μου φαίνεται πραγματικά κακό, οπότε ζήτησα τη συμβουλή ενός φίλου που είπε ότι ίσως η μονάδα τροφοδοσίας είναι κακή.

Ξέρει κανείς που μπορώ να βρω αυτό το τροφοδοτικό για τον ενισχυτή;
Αντιμετώπισε κάποιος αυτό το πρόβλημα;
Οποιαδήποτε συμβουλή θα ήταν εξαιρετική.

Fiat 500 audio/radio problem

Im trying to fix my girlfriends car she has a fiat 500 by diesel version with an interscope audio system. The radio works but when its turned on you only hear bass sound from the subwoofer. I first tried a other radio this dindnt do anything. Later i tried to turn on the radio and then it did work good. When i went back 20 minutes later i tried it again and it went back to a only working sub. When it worked for a short time the audio sound was perfect no crackling sound.

I looked online and thought that maybe the amplifier went bad so i took it out (i uploaded some photos of it). To me it doenst really look bad so i asked a friend for advice he said that maybe power supply module is bad.

Does anyone know where i could find this power supply for the amplifier ?
Did someone experience this problem to ?
Any advice would be great.
Hi did you find a solution? i have the same problem, thanks