Body of 'dead alien' found in Siberia

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Body of 'dead alien' found in Siberia

Sep 29, 2008
A video claiming to show alien remains in Irkutsk, Siberia has become a internet sensation, garnering more than a million hits.

I beleive there are other forms of life out there somewhere, did it find its way here to earth, probabely not. :cool:
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Its got collar bones , SCM muscles and the chopped off leg has no bone and its blood colured.

dead blood quickly goes black, bones don't pull out of joints like a cooked chicken and why would an alien have the same basic anatomy as humans.
Its got collar bones , SCM muscles and the chopped off leg has no bone and its blood colured.

dead blood quickly goes black, bones don't pull out of joints like a cooked chicken and why would an alien have the same basic anatomy as humans.

Whilst I agree that it's probably fake, why wouldn't an alien have the same basic anatomy as humans?
In many cultures there are tales of the 'gods' breeding with humans - the Christian religion is centred around the offspring of a 'god' and a human and there are accounts of angels breeding with human women (their offspring were giants). The story of Noah is based around God's anger at the peoples of the earth - maybe the reality was that God was peeved when he realised just how many of his angels had been coming to earth for a bit of rumpy-pumpy & decided to wipe the slate clean?
In Greek Mythology, Zeus was very fond of human women and the Egyptian pharoes were revered as Gods (because some were supposedly the offspring of a god/human relationship).
Of course, when you have a species scrabbling around in the muck with bows and arrows etc, any being with advanced technology would seem as a god?

Nothing new they've been finding dead aliens for years.
Whilst I agree that it's probably fake, why wouldn't an alien have the same basic anatomy as humans?
In many cultures there are tales of the 'gods' breeding with humans - the Christian religion is centred around the offspring of a 'god' and a human and there are accounts of angels breeding with human women (their offspring were giants). The story of Noah is based around God's anger at the peoples of the earth - maybe the reality was that God was peeved when he realised just how many of his angels had been coming to earth for a bit of rumpy-pumpy & decided to wipe the slate clean?
In Greek Mythology, Zeus was very fond of human women and the Egyptian pharoes were revered as Gods (because some were supposedly the offspring of a god/human relationship).
Of course, when you have a species scrabbling around in the muck with bows and arrows etc, any being with advanced technology would seem as a god?

There's a very good reason: I dont believe on god or intelligent design.

Im sure there is intelligent life on other planets somewhere but there's no reason to suppose its got the same basic anatomy and evolutionary quirks that humans and other mammals have here on planet Earth. Long thoracic nerve for example goes on a "silly" route because that's how we evolved. No way would it have been designed like that. There are many other anatomical "design" issues especially in humans.
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Think how much mankind's technology has evolved since the 1960's and we are nowhere close to long distance space travel. Any species that is advanced enough to get over to us will be more than capable of hiding.

But who's to say they would be benign? Maybe we dont want to meet them. Think about how the Conquistadors behaved.
Think about what humans do when a new insect species is discovered.

We go catch them & take them from their environment.
We take them to a laboratory.
We pin them to a board under bright lights.
We disect them & examine every part of them down to DNA strings & beyond

Then we chuck them away & go get some more... to do other stuff to...

Consider us as the new species of insects... nuff said!
Or consider how we are now compared to 100 years ago. The dodo or Tasmanian tiger or any countless other species wiped out by us. how many species are the developed nations actively hunting to extinction now?

now consider how many species do you think we will be actively making extinct with say 1 or 2 thousand years more moral, ethical and scientific development.

I'm not saying Prof Hawkin is wrong, but alien behaviour is about as much his speciality as Garry Kasperov's is Call of Duty.
You don't need to be a PhD in alien behaviourism to appreciate that even if aliens do come here they will not do us any good at all. They could

  • kill us all off and take over the planet, but we've already ****ed it so perhaps not much point
  • They could stand at a distance and watch but if they are that clever they'd never need to visit
  • Or something like the Visitors TV series only not as pretty. We would be insects up for dissection if not slavery.
Star Trek's Prime Directive is fiction after all. And - they pretty much broke it every time they simply visited another planet.

Even if they were benign we would soon be 100% dependent on them & their technology. Look how quickly we have taken to computers. Lots of folks cant get to Tescos without their sat nav.
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Its all fiction because its not happened and hopefully never will.

If we ever get to another planet with civilisation that planet's inhabitants will be in trouble. And equally to us if it happens the other way around. There might me no malign intent but the effects of powerful technology suddenly arriving will be just as damaging.