Blue&Me Connection Problems

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Blue&Me Connection Problems


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Hi Guys,

Not sure if this is a common issue or if it is just me....

I picked up a new Punto Grande on Friday and managed to get my HTC Touch HD phone (Windows Mobile 6.1) connected up with no real problems.

What i've noticed is if i need to restart my phone for some reason (battery ran out for example) then my phone will no longer automatically connect via bluetooth to the car?

I have tested this with other blue tooth devices that i have and they all work fine so believe it to be an issue at the car side of things.

I have had to delete all user data and pair the phone again from scratch to get this working.

Anyone seen this before or got any suggestions?
I noticed something strange with this last night before i had teh chance to repair the connections.

I was on my way home from work when someone called me, i could feel the phone start to vibrate in my pocket and after 10 secs or so the dashboard indicated that the connection to my phone had been re-established.

When i turned off the engine and back on again the auto connect didnt work and after 30 mins or so the connection was re-established by an incoming call?

I've noticed on the forums that there is an update available for Blue&Me but looks like it is mainly for ipod/iphone functionality, does the update do anything else?