Technical Bit of a mishap

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Technical Bit of a mishap


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Had a bit of a problem on Saturday....

Driving down a country round, I came round a slight bend at about 45mph to be greeted with a humpback bridge a few yards ahead :eek: No signs, no warnings - just a big bump in the road.

Hit it and flew, confederate flag and airhorn kind of stuff :slayer: - the car came down nosefirst with a huge bang, my first thought was I'd broken the suspension but that and the bumper etc looked fine so I drove it home, no problems... no funny noises, no warning lights and no odd feelings.

But, when I parked it up and came out to it a little later - there was a LOT of oil underneath, but no dripping.
Checked the level and it didn't register on the dipstick, it had been full earlier that day.

I guess I'm lucky that it was still leaking when I got home, means it still had oil in when I was driving it....
Very upset I didnt notice the oil when I looked at the suspension though.
So I had it recovered to a local garage and find out today what the damage is...
I'm thinking sump gone - but is it likely that more damage has been done?

Its a 110 JTD weekend if that makes any difference.
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Had a bit of a problem on Saturday....

Driving down a country round, I came round a slight bend at about 45mph to be greeted with a humpback bridge a few yards ahead :eek: No signs, no warnings - just a big bump in the road.

Hit it and flew, confederate flag and airhorn kind of stuff :slayer: - the car came down nosefirst with a huge bang, my first thought was I'd broken the suspension but that and the bumper etc looked fine so I drove it home, no problems... no funny noises, no warning lights and no odd feelings.

But, when I parked it up and came out to it a little later - there was a LOT of oil underneath, but no dripping.
Checked the level and it didn't register on the dipstick, it had been full earlier that day.

I guess I'm lucky that it was still leaking when I got home, means it still had oil in when I was driving it....
Very upset I didnt notice the oil when I looked at the suspension though.
So I had it recovered to a local garage and find out today what the damage is...
I'm thinking sump gone - but is it likely that more damage has been done?

Its a 110 JTD weekend if that makes any difference.

i got the same car and i have a oil leak but it's to do with a power steering pipe which i need changing but cannot afford yet lol.
Just been quoted £600 + vat to fix it!
That can't be right, over £300 for a sump and gasket - plus "a nightmare to do, mate - gotta dismount the driveshafts and a whole load of other stuff"

They must be having a laugh, all that for a sump?

If it's true - the car is scrap. :(
Hmmm can you see if it is indeed the sump which is broken - it should be pretty obvious.

I've done similar in a Bravo JTD and landed it on the nose, scuffed the bumper, just and I mean JUST flattened the curve on the exhaust downpipe and scratched the front of the sump and the gearbox... luckily the only thing that was spoiled that day was my underwear :D

As for the repair, sumps are costly, but I don't think the driveshafts and stuff need removing to replace it. Maybe the exhaust needs to come off if it is in the way of the sump.. Where in the country you based?
I'm in Norfolk, mate - apparently the sump has a nice big crack in it, which is what I thought with only a cursory glance tbh.
I don't doubt the diagnosis - but the price seems incredible!
It's on it's way to a different garage that I've been recommended now (on the back of a tow truck do these miles count towards the economy?) with much lower labour charges. Fingers crossed when they look at it the pain in the wallet will be much less.....
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The sump is £295 + vat at my local stealers but I forgot to ask him if any of the other models were compatible but its possible. If there are any it would give you a chance to get one from the scrappy.
Thanks for that, lets me know the first garage were only very ambitious on the labour rates. Waiting to hear from the second garage - he is proceding on the basis that it can be welded, but he should let me know later today.
Thanks for going to the effort of finding out for me.
Wow, sounds like you gave the underside of the car a serious thump to damage the sump.........

Best of luck with the repair and I hope you can get the price down from what you were originally quoted !
Good news at last...
The second mechanic has had the sump off to inspect that and the bottom of the engine block (because the sump is cracked near the top edge).
Only damage is a crack to the sump and that can be welded up - so I'll have the car back tomorrow at a total cost of about £250 :)
the sumps seem to be weldable, so its worth a try.. but the JTD sump is a bit tricky to remove hence the labour..