General back on the air

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General back on the air

the hobbler

Distinguished member
Jul 25, 2012
Hi folks;
I am back from racing the yacht across the Atlantic to St lucia and looking forward to getting tucked into my own Abarth replica project. The race was one fantastic adventure, really glad that I did it whilst I was fit enough and young enough (well 65) to achieve it without it hurting too much; lots of good memories. To one and all, a merry Christmas and a prosperous and successful 2013.(y)
Welcome back to the fold and happy to hear that you are safe and sound.
My elder brother owns/runs a ship's chandlery in North Queensland and he has always said that owning a deep water yacht is like standing under an icy cold shower ripping up hundred dollar bills.
I wonder if there is a similar analogy for owning old cars?
Hi Chris;
The simple answer is, yes--but the car is a tad more comfortable and often a darn site warmer!---have a good new year.:)