General Cinturato are back in stock. Pirelli have just made a fresh batch of the 145/70R12 Cinturato CN54 and 125R12

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General Cinturato are back in stock. Pirelli have just made a fresh batch of the 145/70R12 Cinturato CN54 and 125R12

Dougal Cawley

Mar 30, 2020
Have you seen this fab little Film about the classic Fiat 500 by Pirelli?

The good news is Pirelli have just made a fresh batch of the original 125R12 Cinturato CN54 and the 145/70R12 CN54 as well.

They are available through the Distributors of the Pirelli Collezione range of tyres. They are also available through Fiat spares specialists as well. If your spares specialist doesn't have them, tell him to contact the Pirelli Collezione distributor in his country. They can be found on here.

Incidentally the film on here is pretty fab too if you like a bit of the 1960s. Its a great film of an E Type Jag and a Lorry driving accross Europe, its got loads of cool smoking and driving while drinking a magnum of wine scenes in it. then another favourite is the lady with the e-type Jag getting done off of the police for stopping on the side of the motorway while her daughter takes a pee in a feild. They don't make films like that any more.


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