Technical amber triangle warning light on for no reason

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Technical amber triangle warning light on for no reason


Apr 13, 2019
Just finished work today, stopped at local woods to take the dog for a walk, vehicle parked facing downhill slightly with lean towards drivers side in case its relevant. Got back to car and started up but yellow triangle light stayed on and no warnings or anything else. I drove down the road a bit, turned engine off and restarted and it stayed on again.

I got home and parked on drive (nose downwards), turned ignition off and then on again and light stayed on yet again. I popped bonnet and checked levels except engine oil (as on a slope), closed bonnet, started engine and light went off. Does anyone else have experience with this fault as I am inclined to think it wont be a one off and as book says low pressure sensor or a load of other things including lights (all working) I dont want to risk engine damage at only 15,500 miles (2017 Qubo Trekking multijet).

Just had suspension mounts replaced out of warranty - pretty poor so far as other 2 Qubos I had gave me no trouble until much higher mileage.

Any help appreciated!
Thanks for reply - I rang local garage and they said light would need to be on in order to get code. Not sure if thats correct or not. I gave it another run this evening and all ok at the moment but doubt its resolved itself and fully expect it to present itself again - probably on way to work tomorrow would be typical! - I was low on fuel this morning and engine felt like it was going to cut out but it wasnt low as in down on the `E` mark. More like a third of the way into the red zone. I put fuel in and drove to work fine and no problem after work until I stopped at the woods. I dont know where the pressure sensor is located but maybe the angle the car was parked triggered it and I didnt turn engine off for long enough after I drove down the road. My old 2003 2.0hdi Pug Partner never gave me any grief in ther 10 years I owned it. I only changed it as rear axle was on its way out at 110k and it didnt seem to be worth the £800 repair cost. I do love the Qubo cars practicality and engines though so hope it isnt anything much going on given its age and miles.
not had any blown bulbs and triangle has come on a couple more times - definitely comes on and stays on before engine starts and seems to be when on uneven ground but that could be coincidence. Its off again at the moment so I do wonder if voltage has something to do with it or not.
From users manual it turns on in the following conditions:

- Engine oil pressure sensor failure
- Exterior lights fault
- Fuel cut-off switch tripped
- Parking sensor failure

You should scan the body computer with MES/AlfaOBD to know what is wrong for sure. Even if the light is out, it will store the code for a while... And it will even tell you which particular bulb is out if there is a grounding fault etc.