Technical Alternator removal

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Technical Alternator removal


Nov 29, 2018
Just spent 5 hours attempting to remove the alternator
from my Panda 312. Fitted with 1.2 Petrol engine. Managed to get the two bottom bolts out but reaching the one at the back is impossible.
I have a huge set of tools but access is the issue. Any ideas before I set fire to the little bugger?:bang:
This one does have aircon.
Many thanks from a very frustrated James
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On a ramp, from underneath.
Will get it on to ramps tomorrow and try again, have never met a car with such awkward access - I know they are structurally good in impacts which I suppose explains all the metal struts and frame underneath...It's days with me are numbered I feel.
Sadly, these days, *most* cars are designed to be worked on from underneath using a garage two-post lift. On my old 169 Panda, I posted a piece a few years back showing that I could (and did) replace the alternator in just 25 minutes from start to finish (here, should you be interested_ . With my current diesel 4x4 Panda it's nigh on impossible to reach anything from above. And our 10-year old Volvo v50 is even worse.
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Ah yes, but that's "cheating" - No aircon pump!

I haven't had to do one on any of our vehicles, yet. I believe the recommendation is to remove the O/S driveshaft?
Lost the will to live and had the garage replace the alternator - and you are correct, they had to disconnect the driveshaft to get the stupid thing out. Next plan, get rid and buy a classic I can work on! Thanks to all who gave advice - appreciated.