Technical Alt Light 80 Spider

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Technical Alt Light 80 Spider


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Here we go again. After installing a new battery, new alternator, and cleaning all grounds the car ran great with no "glowing" alternator light. I drove it at night with the lights and of course during the day. It did fine.

A week ago the radio quit working in the middle of a cruise. Tonight the alternator light is glowing again. It does that until I reach about 3500 rpm. I didn't take the car for a drive and seems to be running just fine. It's just that light.

I'm leaving for a two day, 500 mile round trip on Friday morning and I want to take the car but I'm having second thoughts. I need to fix this bugger by tomorrow night or leave it at home and have a boring drive in my van.

Answer here but please send an email to my mailbox at [email protected].

Oh, the alternator belt is tight and the grounds seem fine.
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well, when you say "new alternator" do you really mean new, or new to you? or, is it a reconditioned alternator, or a remanufactured alternator. all four mean four different things.

have you checked the voltage output at the alternator and at the battery with a volt meter? if so, what are your readings at both those locations?
I had a similar problem on an 850. The problem was that the altenator pully was broke off the shaft and was spinning freely and not spinning the altenator fast enough until the RPMs reached 2500.