General 'Air Con'..!

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General 'Air Con'..!

Sep 1, 2005
N Derbys
Yay, after last Sunday's complete removal and overhaul of heater box... (with Alan D's guide (y)) I now got Air con :D
...well as good as lol - I can now turn heater off and have cold blown air - sheer luxury!
and as I had to remove wiper assembly I abandoned my copper sleeve solution and drilled it for a self-tapper - looks very secure now :) though I need to find a smaller screw lol :rolleyes:


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ahhh you had me all excited there with that title...

well done getting it fixed, i have found that talon is also blowing hot air, but i think it is because i have adjusted it wrong.. soon fix it by moving the wire the arm on the tap is connected to.

dont worry when i get all the proper re-gassing kit ill be making my own aircon for a panda!

need to find an electric pump.. thats all.
ahhh you had me all excited there with that title...

dont worry when i get all the proper re-gassing kit ill be making my own aircon for a panda!

need to find an electric pump.. thats all.
Ooooh do let me know, I'd love aircon, impossible to source one from a later Panda in Japan, as you say electric pump is probably best... I was wondering if a Punto with a/c could have its part nicked and fitted in some sort of home-fab fashion :confused:
i looked into using the pump from off the 1.2, yeah its doable but not worth it. i'd rather have an electric one.

ive not yet played with where i would stick the evaporator coil, but i think i would play around with the panda air box a bit, i would stick it after the heater matrix so i could use it as an epic de-mister. yeah the heater would heat up the aircon element but that would be the idea.

plenty of space to stick one in i think :D

i have a few cabin airboxes now.. i may have a play with one see how it goes..