Hi all,
After Ive sorted most of the enigne out now, I wanted to tackle this tapping noise coming from the top of the engine, Its there at tickover but goes when im drving the car or when rev'ing it
So I've been told and think myself that a shim or shims are worn?
My idea as my local garage has said £200? to do it. me and my dad will do it, (he's had previous experience with an escort and fiesta
So what I wanted to do as the haynes says the correct gap should be 0.05mm. Is go to the scrap yard with a feeler gauge and see if I can find any good shims up there to transplant to mine?
There are alot of mark 1 models up there, But do I have to stick to the same model as mine (55s) or can I take them off other models i.e 60/75 and 85 etc?
Really appreciate any feedback here, You guys are always spot on! :worship:
After Ive sorted most of the enigne out now, I wanted to tackle this tapping noise coming from the top of the engine, Its there at tickover but goes when im drving the car or when rev'ing it
So I've been told and think myself that a shim or shims are worn?
My idea as my local garage has said £200? to do it. me and my dad will do it, (he's had previous experience with an escort and fiesta
So what I wanted to do as the haynes says the correct gap should be 0.05mm. Is go to the scrap yard with a feeler gauge and see if I can find any good shims up there to transplant to mine?
There are alot of mark 1 models up there, But do I have to stick to the same model as mine (55s) or can I take them off other models i.e 60/75 and 85 etc?
Really appreciate any feedback here, You guys are always spot on! :worship: