General 500 Twin Air 900cc coming?

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General 500 Twin Air 900cc coming?

The difference in MPG is pretty tempting. Specs wise the Twin looks closer to the 1.4 than the 1.2. On paper the gain in MPG looks worth it (for me), but will wait and see what the price is next week :)
Who knows?

The trick will be to differentiate the different engines and make all the models desirable. From the performance figures published here by Scrogg the new motor pretty much trumps all the others in the standard 500.

Wait and see I guess.
Some price indication here (forbidden to post links yet, so you have to do some parsing) http: blogs dot km77 dot com slash engendromecanico/4729/nuevo-motor-bicilindrico-para-el-fiat-500 slash

Spanish pricing? the twinair starts there at 13590 Euro

According to them, it's about 400 Euro's cheaper than the 1.4
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Well done both of you.

That looks like a big difference between the Lounge and the Sport -c.£2500 - which are priced identically here - notwithstanding the detail spec differences of course.

I can only conclude that Spanish prices have always been different?

It looks like the Lounge will be around £15,000 then :eek:

A Sport at around £12,00 makes slightly more sense; slightly. Only if it comes with the spec the present Sport does of course. I would hope that, like Ford, Fiat will soon have to retreat on price increases though.

Getting close... :D
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Maybe I'm riding the clutch on the internet too much and confusing it...

:shakehead: Well! can you stop it please because at the moment when you select the "configure your 500 twinair" button it only shows the normal engines.

Bad driver.

Robin, if it's any consolation your name bubble appears on the site OK. (y)

English version here.
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The perfect blue, great economy and performance, and a lovely thrum to the motor as well. Should handle well too as it's a bit lighter, and might even have slightly better turning circle. The Dualogic is very tempting.

This has to be what the 500 was intended to be. Now, the prices...

...looks like it will be cheaper than the 1.4, so, given all the advantages why would they keep that engine? Except in the Abarth of course :D

I expect it will take ages for the factory to crank up production, so Fiat will be using a highly inventive combination of words to make all the models look worthy. Can't wait.
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The perfect blue, great economy and performance, and a lovely thrum to the motor as well. Should handle well too as it's a bit lighter, and might even have slightly better turning circle. The Dualogic is very tempting.

This has to be what the 500 was intended to be. Now, the prices...

...looks like it will be cheaper than the 1.4, so, given all the advantages why would they keep that engine? Except in the Abarth of course :D

I expect it will take ages for the factory to crank up production, so Fiat will be using a highly inventive combination of words to make all the models look worthy. Can't wait.

the 1.4 16v 100HP is an epic engine, has 15 more horses, brilliant power delivery and rev happy performance and it sounds really great

i want the twin to be good, i really do but it is only a 900cc twin so am not expecting miracles

these have been reports of the multi-air engines being a bit asthmatic and unwilling to rev at the top end
Doubtless all true, but it isn't nearly as economical when compared with the new twin. It also gives the 500 a poor lock, and when the 105hp twin arrives the 1.4 will be comprehensively beaten on all counts.

It is probably true that the Multiair heads don't give their best at high revs, but they have fantastic torque, which makes for a much more enjoyable drive most of the time. Don't forget, the 1.4 Multiairs give 170hp and do that brilliantly, so the 900cc twin should be comparably great.

I look forward to hearing the thrum of the twin too.

So, when you add the lighter weight and nimbler handling of the twin I'd still expect the 1.4 to be living on borrowed time, except as an Abarth.
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