Technical 2008 Multijet 1.9D 150 Low Power Following Turbo Replacement

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Technical 2008 Multijet 1.9D 150 Low Power Following Turbo Replacement


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Jul 26, 2020
Prior to turbo failure the car was making plenty of power, but the exhaust turbine shredded itself and thus a replacement was warranted.. new turbo is spinning fine without resistance and oil flow has been checked. Vacuum line for the VNT has been replaced due to a small leak and the vacuum line for the turbo wastegate also replaced, MAF checked and working, MAP giving the correct readings. When the mechanic pulls a vacuum on the wastegate with a plunger it makes boost and is fine. Connect it back up to i assume the boost control solanoid and back to no boost, boost control solanoid replaced and fault still present. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
After much searching the problem turned out to be a blocked vacuum line directly after the VNT actuator, between the boost control solenoid and the actuator.